v. Trouble

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chapter five | trouble


JAEDEN, MAISIE AND MILO stayed for the next two days, and then their families decided to leave and go back home. The group had kept their eyes on the Daily Prophet in hope of seeing which wizards had caused the attack or if the Ministry had any information. They did know that not long after they'd left, the Dark Mark was painted all over the sky, Death Eaters marking the territory they'd just destroyed.

Kaya tried her best not to think about it, after all, they were safe, unharmed and didn't even come into contact with any known death eaters. They were pretty lucky, really.

It was a week until Kaya went back to Hogwarts, this time bringing her little brother with her, and so the family were going with the Ezra's for their yearly school shop in Diagonal Alley. The plan was for Kaya and Jaeden to go and find their own stuff for school, and then the parents can take Alfie and Jeremy together. Kaya was more than happy with this plan - especially since there was a chance to buy ice cream.

"Alright piss-face," Jaeden greeted, before the two began their shopping.

"Piss-face, that's a new one," said Kaya.

"Gotta keep everything fresh, you know. Can't let you get used to the daily insults, can I?"

"Not at all, shit-head,"

Kaya and Jaeden decided to stop by Madam Malkin's to get their uniform for the year. Jaeden had grown what seemed like almost double his height since the start of their fifth year, so needed a full new set. Kaya still fit into the same skirt she'd bought when she was thirteen, and so didn't need as much. Her old jumper did have a tiny hole in where her elbow was, though, after Jaeden spilled something when they were in potions and it burned through Kaya's jumper. They'd both spent days trying to fix it with a spell, but they were pretty useless. The furthest they'd gotten was the threads reaching each other but still looked all jagged as though a cat had clawed it. The material broke and the hole burst through around ten minutes after they'd 'fixed' it.

Then, they spent almost twenty minutes trying to get the right books for the coming year, Kaya accidentally picking up a book for a second year misplaced on the shelf filled with books for sixth years, and getting a very funny look from the shop keeper, who had to explain to her she might've picked up the wrong one.

After that 'stressful encounter', which was what Kaya called it, the two decided to take a break from their shopping and buy an ice cream. I mean, let's face it, buying an ice cream and maybe trying to catch a glimpse of Alicia Spinnet was the only reason Jaeden turned up to buy the stuff himself, anyway.

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