xii. Volunteered Detention

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chapter twelve | volunteered detention


FRED whipped around at the sound of the door creaking open, but his expression softened at the sight of Kaya in the doorway.

"What're you doing here?" he asked with a grin. Kaya wasn't really sure herself.

"I dunno," she said slowly. "I just... I feel bad. You didn't have to sort him out, it would've stopped you from getting a detention,"

Fred shrugged.

"I get detentions all the time, it's like a daily thing,"

Kaya chuckled.

"That's what Jae said," she nodded. "So... what do you have to do?"

"Sort out this," said Fred, gesturing to a huge bookshelf behind him, books dusty, slanting to the left or right. "Without magic, of course,"

"Ugh, I feel bad," Kaya groaned.

"Don't," said Fred. "The only thing that does annoy me is the fact that Andrew doesn't even have a punishment,"

Kaya propped herself up on a desk as he spoke, before lying down on its vertical side, her long strands of hair hanging off the sides.

"Oh, I can sort that," she said, as Fred removed another pile from the shelf.

"No, I mean like an actual punishment-" He began, with a smile at the girl's self assurance.

"Yeah, like I said. I'll give him detention. I can come up with something reasonable for Professor Sprout."

Fred laughed.

"What-?" He said with a puzzled expression, before his eyes landed on a yellow badge hanging from Kaya's robes. "Oh," he said with surprise.

"Didn't you know I was a prefect?" she asked. He shook his head.

"You don't seem the type," said Fred.

"The type," Kaya repeated with a grin. "What's that then, Weasley?"

Fred paused for a second.


The girl giggled.

"Don't worry, I've heard you say before - 'Only prats become prefects'."

"I- Well- I didn't mean all prefects..."

Kaya continued to laugh, watching the boy's attempt at redeeming himself.

"It's fine," she said. "To be fair, you're right most of the time. But, I like to think I put the diversity in prefects because the last time I checked, I don't think I'm a prat?"

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