xxxv. Moving On?

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chapter thirty five | moving on?


"OK - I know I'm technically supposed to say you were good because I'm your boyfriend," said Fred, once Kaya had returned to her friends after a very long round of Hufflepuff tryouts. "But, you were actually really fucking good. Like, I'm not even gonna lie, or take the piss,"

"Softie," George muttered. Kaya grinned.

"I know," she said. "You'll be shitting yourself when you have to play against me!"

"Um - hold on, love, I said you were good, not scary," Fred raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, I don't think the words 'Kaya' and 'scary' will ever fit together, to be honest," Lee nodded. "No offence,"

"You think I can't be scary?" Kaya frowned. "I can be scary!"

"No, you can't," said Jaeden. "Apart from the time you punched that boy in our first year for being a prat to Maisie,"

The twins and Lee exchanged baffled expressions.

"It's a long story," said Kaya, before they could say anything.

"The fuck kind of fights do first years have?!" Lee pulled a face. "What did he do, tell her she was a bum?"

"K gave him a black eye," said Jaeden. "In all fairness, he had it coming,"

Kaya smiled awkwardly, and Fred grinned down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm, how come I haven't met feisty Kaya yet, then?" he said, giving her a playful tickle on the ribs, causing her to jolt with surprise and let out a yelp.

"Because you haven't given me a reason to be a bitch, yet. And you haven't seen me play Quidditch. Or get really angry."


"I bet you're not that feisty," George teased, as many figures dressed in scarlet red robes began to emerge onto the pitch. "All bark and no bite, guaranteed,"

"You can bet all you want, Weasley," said Kaya.

"In all fairness, you're not really," said Milo. "Like - you're pretty chill with everything unless someone does something really bad. Then you get scary,"

"I'm just trying to picture Kaya being scary or firey," said Lee. "But I really can't see it,"

"Yeah, alright Lee," Kaya playfully rolled her eyes, before the group turned their heads to see all the Gryffindors piling onto the pitch.

"Shouldn't we... get going?" Milo asked the twins, who merely shrugged.

"Give it a moment," said Fred, trying to make out who was trying out for the new positions. "Is that... no way, is that Ronniekins?"

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