xviii. Five Colours In Her Hair

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chapter twenty eight | five colours in her hair


KAYA AWOKE LAST out of the four in the shared room, which was a big rookie mistake.

She sat up with a stretch and rubbed her eyes, before scanning her surroundings - and what she saw made her extremely uneasy. Because the three boys were sitting with smiles, trying their best to act innocent. They were awful actors.

Fred's expression warmed at the girl's sleepy state.

"What have you done?" she said, her eyes flicking around the room to find evidence for some sort of prank.

"Good morning to you, too," Fred said, with the best cheery tone and expression possible.

"Seriously," said Kaya. "You three are the worst actors in the world - what have you done?"

But all they did was continue to stare at her with cheeky smiles.

"You've done some sort of prank, I can feel it,"

"Haha, nice," said George, before frowning. "Wait, how'd you know?"

"You're very predictable,"

"Well," Fred teased. "Obviously not that predictable, or you would've slept with one eye open,"

Kaya froze.

"What's up with your hair, K?" Jaeden said with a childish grin.

Oh god, they've shaved my head haven't they? Kaya thought, before putting her hand to her head.

Okay, they hadn't.

She relaxed when she felt her soft curls still in place - until she pulled one forward and spotted its colour. Pink.

"Ha, ha," she said. "You already pulled that one on me. Sorry boys,"

They all sniggered.

"Whatever you say," Fred grinned. The three continuing to smirk did not give Kaya a good feeling - she leapt up from under her covers and scowled at them, before heading towards a mirror.

Her jaw dropped.

"What the fuck?!" she yelled.

The twins had obviously taken their hair dyeing project a step further - because instead of just one, Kaya now had five colours in her hair.

"Are you actually joking?" she said, her hand brushing different locks to try and get a glimpse of the different colours.

They all smiled sweetly at her.

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now