xxiv. Trouble (Pt. 2)

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chapter twenty four | trouble (pt. 2)



I know you probably think I forgot about the Hogsmeade situation. I didn't. And I'm feeling in a particularly good mood compared to previous days, so do you fancy meeting up? Wherever you want, Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, even some muggle park or whatever. It's up to you.

Your Kaya x



Well I don't know about you but I definitely didn't forget, I thought I'd just wait until you hopefully brought it up.

Diagon Alley, Wednesday, 1 o'clock?

Your Fred x



Sounds like a plan - meet at Fortescue's x

Your Kaya x


Fred, surprisingly, made it to Florean Fortescue's first out of the two. His mother had taken some convincing to let him go since she wanted to keep her children close at the sudden return of Lord Voldemort. But after George had dropped his twin in it and told her he was meeting a girl, Molly admittedly was a bit excited. And one day in Diagon Alley couldn't hurt, right?

Kaya's mum knew immediately that she was meeting a boy, because mums are weird and have some strange motherly-legilimens-instinct where they could just tell what their kids are up to. That or Kaya was just really obvious.

Fred gave his mum what felt like a ten hour explanation of who he was meeting, where she was from, and pretty much her whole bloody life story - shooting George and Ron, who'd been smirking at him hiding in the shadows of the staircase, dirty looks as he did so.

The reason Fred's conversation took so long was because he was trying to dodge questions his mum was asking him (which was pretty much every question under the sun) such as,

"Is she your girlfriend?"

And when he'd replied 'no' she'd asked,

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