i. Summer's End

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chapter one | summer's end


KAYA BENNETT was sitting in her bedroom, with her friends - Maisie Stenberg, Jaeden Ezra and Milo Jontel. They were all buzzing with excitement, for the Quidditch World Cup was tomorrow, and the four and their families were all going to watch it together.

Summer had gone by way to quickly, in Kaya's opinion, and her six weeks of venturing about in the sun had ended in a blink.

Though Kaya was quite disappointed in how fast summer had gone by, she was still excited to see her friends from school, of whom she'd only seen about twice since they lived so far away. The summer fun hadn't ended quite yet.

Everyone's families had all originally gotten tickets to the Quidditch World Cup separately, not knowing that their friends had done the same. When Kaya found out, she was too excited not to bring up the idea that they could all go and see it together. She'd pestered her mother, Cherilyn Bennett, for weeks, asking repeatedly for her friends to come and stay with them and then go to the Quidditch Cup the following day. Her mum wasn't too keen on the idea, as both the kids and their families would make it an extremely large group, but she had grown tired of Kaya's nagging, and considered the thought 'the more the merrier' so she finally gave in.

Kaya had arranged for her friends and their families to sleep over, just to make it easier for them to go together. Besides, she had the largest house of all out of her friendship group, so it would've been the easiest place to stay in if they were all going to go together.

And so, with three of sleeping bags for her friends set around Kaya's bedroom, the four planned for a very exciting couple of days.

"Bloody hell, Milo," Jaeden said, looking his large stack of bags and one trunk up and down. "How long are you staying for?"

"I don't have that much," he replied. "Just a couple things to do when we're bored."

"Is one of those 'couple things' a massive version of wizard chess, like the one they used to guard that stone in our third year? 'Cos it looks like it." Kaya said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Milo, I can't even pack that much for Hogwarts." Maisie laughed.

"Looks like you're moving house. Good luck with that one, K." said Jaeden.

Milo rolled his eyes, and was about to retaliate, but they were interrupted by Kaya's mother, knocking on the door.

"Alright, you lot, we're all just popping out to get some food. Anything you want?"

"Loads of ice cream." said Kaya.

"I meant something filling," said Cher. "Like, a meal."

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now