xvii. Task Number Two

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chapter seventeen | task number two


It was so obvious as Kaya danced that she was in her element. In fact, this was probably the most merry Fred had ever seen her. She was truly having the time of her life, as her best friends danced with her, swaying their hips and twirling around like nobody was watching.

Kaya was knocked forward with a huff as a girl accidentally bumped into her. She turned around to see a blonde girl... in her fourth year, maybe? She wasn't too sure.

"Shit, sorry," the girl said through a thick Irish accent. Kaya smiled.

"You're alright," she replied.

The blonde was obviously focused on something else, and Kaya's eyes followed her as she headed over to someone slouching at one of the tables - Harry Potter.

Good luck getting him up, Kaya thought, turning back to her friends as Harry looked up at the blonde with a confused expression.

As the end of the night neared, the music slowed and many students vanished, the Great Hall growing empty. Kaya figured it would be best to end the night dancing with Fred, especially since he was the one that helped her out and stopped her from turning up dateless.

The two swayed, completely rid of energy, and Kaya still sang the lyrics, but much more quietly as her voice was soft but extremely tired. They both talked as they danced, and it was visibly displayed through their facial expressions and their body language how sleepy they were - but the two weren't willing to give in, for they wanted to stay for as long as they could.

"Thank you, by the way," said Fred, after pausing for a second, avoiding eye contact with Kaya and wondering how he was going to put this into words.

"You say 'thanks' a lot, don't you?" Kaya giggled. "What are you thanking me for now, not trodding on your toes in the past ten minutes?"

"...No," said Fred. The girl noticed how thoughtful he was, and decided not to tease him. She'd never seen him even a little bit serious, before.

"What for, then?" she asked.

"...I know it was ages ago, but... the Quidditch World Cup?"

Kaya started blankly for a few seconds, wondering what he was on about, but it soon hit her.

"Oh!" she said.

"You ran off from your group to try and help me, and well... I just feel guilty because I never thanked you. I never even brought it up, but I should've,"

Kaya gave him a kind smile.

"Awe," she said. "You probably didn't even need the help, I was just overreacting."

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now