My... new life?

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([07.03.23/03.07.23] Has been re-formated for your eyes :))

OC pov (It will always be in this pov)

So this is whats like to die. Bit weird, well I'm not complaining. *sigh* I wish I could've say goodbye. Why do I hear a baby crying? Wait no two of them. I'm pretty sure I committed un-alive by myself with no one there.

???: "Epabuhia! Tauwka seio kwa! Phil za!"

???2: "Ivan kav Zenith! Phil za!"

|I slowly open my eyes? And... Wtf... I see a man and woman, I turn my head more a see a child next to me. 'Wtf? Is- is what I think this is? Did I reincarnate myself?' As I began to think of multiple possibilities, the man grabbed me and what I assume is my twin brother. And kisses my on the forehead, then I'm given to the women, who I assume give birth to me. Minutes pass and I'm carried to a crib next to my twin brother. I close my eyes to think about what this world could
possibly be. After much thought, I went to sleep, probably due to me being a baby.


Days passed and it seems my twin has learned how to crawl really fast and hiding from mother. I usually give mother directions on where, Rudeus went. He always gets mad at me, I give him the tongue-out, one-eyed look. Also, I should mention, I have black hair with slight brown strands of hair, my eyes are black with parts of it being cyan like Mom's. My parents were quite perplexed on my looks but still loved me, since you know. I came out of the womb.

Mother: "Ohh~. Thank so much Furn. Your brother sure loves to crawl."

I make baby noises at her. She doesn't understand what I'm say to her, but I can understand her. Life here seems peaceful, but I don't know if this world has any energy-type potential, like magic. Minutes pass and mother puts me and Rudeus near the window. I look outside and see Dad, swinging a sword. 'So cool.' Rudeus also sees this but he almost falls off the bench. I grab him to delay his fall. I try to call my mom but my voice still hasn't developed. So, instead I make loud noise to get their attention. "WAHHHHHH!!!!".

The maid hears me and sees me holding Rudeus's arm.

Lilia: "Rudeus! *dashes to Rudeus* I got you."

Mother: "Rudy! Are you ok?"

"Whaaaaa. Hwuaa, yuwahh."

Mother: "Thank you, Fur, for protecting your brother. *headpats*"

"Wooahhh". I happily say.


Winter came and Rudeus wants me to come and do something.

Rudeus: "Come. Magic, want do."

I nod. I really don't like to speak unless needed. After confirming my decision, Ru (Rudeus) brings me to a chest. He tries to open it but manages to got himself inside. I try opening the chest in case he's struck. He suddenly opens the chest from the inside, revealing a proud Ru.


Ru ignores my comment and sees books, he brings one out and tries to read it.

Ru: "I can't read. I'll have to learn how to first."

"Ask mom or dad to read us stories." I said.

Ru: "Great idea!".


A year passed and now me and Ru can read the books we found last year. I can read more than he can, sometimes he asks for my help to read some words he can't understand. Also the book we're reading is a manual to magic, you know the basis, like magic circles, incarnations etc.

Ru: "I guess we could give it a try. Come on."

I get up and chant the same words Ru those.

"Let the great protection of water be on the place thou seekest. I call a refreshing, burning stream here amd now. Water ball."  We say simultaneously. Suddenly a water ball floats on Ru's hands and drops. While, on mine nothing happens. Im guessing we have different affinities to elements?. "Hey, Ru im going to let you do this."

Ru: "Why?"

I remain silent and make myself comfortable on the floor.

Ru: "Fine."


"You alright?" I open one eye and look at Ru. I get no response. "Earth to Ru, you alright?". Still no response, I'm guessing he fainted? I'll call mom just in case. "MOM!".

Mother: "YES, FUR?"


Mom rushes to where I'm at and holds Ru tightly.

Mom: "What happened?"

"Well, me and Ru were playing around and he didn't feel good, so he fainted." I lied.

After that whole incident, Ru continued practicing the same magic.


After many seasons Ru told me that, the more you use magic the more capacity you have in mana. Which could theoretically mean you could have an infinite amount of mana reserves.

"Hey Ru? Can you still make the waterball 'float' like before?"

Ru: "Uh... I never tried after I failed and fainted. Maybe, I could, let me do it."

I move away from Ru and stay close to the door. "Don't worry. Just do it."
Ru starts doing the waterball and it floats and it flew out the window. 'Huh. I thought it would've destroyed this room. Guess I got a little paranoid.' "Oi, oi! What are doing?!"

Ru: "Supple spirit of water and princess of streams that flows through the earth, sweep away all things with your hidden inner might. Splash flow."

"Oi, oil, oi, oi!!! Ru stop! Stop!" The spell Ru used caused the wall in front of us to break and alerted Dad and Mom

Dad: "H-hey what happened?"

Mom: "Rudy, Fur?! Are you two hurt?!"

"No, but..." Mom looked at the book Ru used and had a face Ru makes when its something perverted but it had a scary aura behind it. 'Ahh fuck'.

Mom: "Rudy, Fur, did you two read this book out loud?".

Ru apologizes but instead of Mom being mad and scolding us, she jumps in excitement.

Mom: "Did you hear that dear? I knew our kids were geniuses!"

Dad: "Hang on. That was a intermediate-". He got cut off by Mother.

Mom: "Let's hire a magic tutor for Rudy and Fur!"

Dad: "But, we haven't even taught him how to rea- wait a minute! We promised that if it were a boy, he'd learn swordsmanship."

I can see where this is going. "Uh, Mom, Dad? Maybe you could teach Ru, magic and me swordsmanship? Or a mix of both for the both of us?"

Mushoku Tensei x OC Character - The Red Eye LegendWhere stories live. Discover now