Separation Again

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Furn's pov

"Eris." I soothe her hair as I talked. "I love someone else. It's been years and I'm not sure whether she's alive or not but I won't know for sure until I search every nook and cranny of this world. I want to find her and the rest of my family."

I could feel Eris' arms tighten; her breathing became hotter and fuller, I know what I have done but it's the right decision for me and for her state of mind. She still hasn't processed the events of today emotionally and wants to do something to distract those thoughts. But this, this isn't sustainable.



"I know this isn't the outcome you expected but you can still rely on me. I told you earlier, we are family by blood or by bond." 

Eris moves her head away from my chest and looks at me with tears coming out. "Then... Let me sleep with you just... just for this night." Sniffles paused her words as she tried to recover her opportunity. 

Those sad and lost eyes of hers. It kills me to just reject what she was trying to do and still is trying to do. I can't kick her out either, I don't know what she will do when she leaves. The best course of action is to let her sleep here or put a genjustu over her til the day comes. 

I sigh. 

"Fine. You can sleep here. Just don't do anything Ru would do in this scenario." 

"Hai," Eris responded. She loosened her arms around me and begin to shift her body away from me and to one side of the makeshift bed we are on. "Who is it?" 

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"The one you love." Eris' head and body faced the tent's 'wall'. "Is she... strong?" 

"Physically? No. In terms of magic, I bet she's strong in that aspect given how fast she learned the magic Ru taught her over our childhood." Memories of simpler times come back to me when I was a child in this world. "Good times they were." 

Eris didn't respond for what felt like an eternity. But a mumble came out of her. It's too soft for me to hear what she said but I ignore it, it's best we leave this be and sleep as if nothing happened. 

"Give me 3- no 2 years and I'll challenge her!" Eris turned her head in my direction and semi-yelled her promise. "If I beat her let me become your lover!" 

I deadpan at Eris' self-promise. "Eris, that's not how getting love works..." Sighing, I lay down and get comfortable. "But sure. You can challenge her when you're ready." 

[Timeskip brought to you by Jiraiya and Rudeus peeking at women and getting caught by Tsunade]

Ru shook Eris by the shoulders, "Eris are you sure about this?!" 

Eris grabbed a hold of Ru's arms and tossed them away from her to respond to his question. "Yes. Rudeus I am. I have to get stronger now more than ever." 


"No buts. This is something I have resolve over. And until I become strong", Eris turned and pointed at me. "I will win and get you!" 

I 'hmphed' at her declaration but let a smile take my face. 

"Huh?" Ru looked confused at the interaction. "What do you mean by that Eris?" 

"You'll know when we meet again in a few years. But know I will beat that girl!" Eris stated in determination.

"Uh... Okay then." Ru responded. "Well, I hope you do become strong. We don't know the horrors that might come at us like Orsted and that thing from the egg's castle." 

Mushoku Tensei x OC Character - The Red Eye LegendWhere stories live. Discover now