Testing My Powers

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So I accidentally hit publish when I was meant to save this chapter. Sorry if you got a notification.

Furn's pov

Gen: "Who are you?!"

"What are talking about? It's me, Furn."

Gen: "Then if you are really Furn answer this."

I mentally sigh at this and ignore what Gen is going to say.

"Have been able to locate Darel and the other people?"

Gen: "No... At least 5 seconds ago."

I raise my eyebrow at that and stare at Gen.

Gen: "Why are you staring at me for?! L-look."

Gen walks towards me and whispers something to my ear. The words he says next make me grip Masamune harder.

Gen: "*whisper* Between you and me. That guy over there, Dan, is a Torn. An elite one. He put up an illusion making it impossible to see and sense them. But I do have some bad news..."

Gem stops for a moment to let think of the worse.

Gen: "*whisper* Darel is heavily injured. He could die at any moment. Right now I'm supplying him with my mana."

"I've heard enough. Let me deal with this."

I walk up to Dan and put my hands over his shoulders.

"Release the genjutsu and I'll let you live. If not then you die. Understood?"

Dan: "The hell are you talking about?"

"Death it is then."

I stab Dan at his side and lift him by Masamune and very quickly turn the blade to cut him in half.

'I feel... Odd I don't feel anymore. Is this a side effect? I might have to talk to Kyosei about this.'

I walk up to halved Dan and stab through his skull. Killing him permanently.

"Gen after the illusion is worn off I'm going to solo this dungeon. After that, we're leaving. I have new powers."

Gen: "Are you serious?! I mean I know you're powerful and all but... Argh fine!"

(1 hour later)

After the illusion was brought down, Gen carried Darel along with the other group of adventurers to the surface. But that would take too long so to make things quicker I made a portal and told them to go through it.

After that, I went down to every floor. Testing and combining my newfound powers. Though interestingly enough I found out that my divine powers don't mix well with my chakra.

Anyway here are the results of testing my newfound powers.

Floor 4:

My body has become more durable, faster, powerful, and most importantly, increased my chakra reserves to what I'd say is close to pre-Boruto Naruto.

Floor 5:

When going against the multiple strange monsters in the dungeon with my bare fist. (since I decided to use it for the last 2 floors). I noticed that due to my more powerful body, I can now go to the final gate with no repercussions. And combined with Sage Mode, I'd say my strength is up to a 20% Saitama, possibly higher. And while on the topic of Sage Mode. That mode/form is now used subconsciously whether I like it or not.

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