Meeting A Boyish Girl

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([07.02.23/03.07.23] Has been re-formated for your eyes :))

Ru: "Ow! Where am I?".

"Finally your awake Ru."

Ru: "Y-yeah. So why are we in a caravan?".

"Ask her. *points at Ghislaine* 'Cause I'm not telling you."

Ru: "Who?". Ru looks where I point.

Ru: "The huge boob, cat lady!".

I smack Ru on the back of his head and make him bow on the floor.

Ru: "Ah- I meant to say it's nice to meet you. My name is Rudeus Greyrat."

Ghislaine: "Hmm. You're different then your twin. You less reserved and more like Paul, you are also a bit less intelligent than him as well."

Ru: "Oi! I'm not like P- father at all!".

'Sure Ru.'

Ghislaine: "Oh. I forgot. *pulls out letter* This is a letter your father wrote. You can read at your own time."

Ru: "Hai. Thank you, Miss Ghislaine. May I ask where we're going?".

Ghislaine: "That should be obvious, since we're already here. We are in the largest city within the Fittoa territory. The Citadel of Roa. Now, lets go to the mansion."

"Hai!". We both said at the same time.

As we got out of the caravan we walked through various stores that looked interesting. One of them in particular caught my eye. There was a store where I could sense some chakra. It felt very... familiar. 'Maybe I'll check it out later.' After some minutes of walking through the stores we finally reached the mansion, where we were escorted to the waiting room. As we waited for someone to arrive here, we were served a drink in a small metal cup.

"Thanks". We both said.


???: "Hello."

Ru stood up and introduced himself formally.

Ru: "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Rudeus Greyrat."

I got up from my seat and also introduced myself. "Yo. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Furn Uchiha Greyrat."

???: "A noble says hello by drawing back his left foot, and makes a circle with his right hand, and bows in a 20 degree angle.

Ru: "Like this?". Ru repeats the words this guy said and puts it into motion.

???: "Yes, though it's not that bad. *walker closer to chair* Sit down let's talk. Ah. That's right. I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Philip Boreas Greyrat, the mayor of this city. I suppose you could say I'm Paul's cousin."

"So... That means that we're related? Are there any other Greyrats here?".

Philip: "That's right. We are related and there are other Greyrats here as well. Well, putting that aside, how much do you two know?".

Ru: "We'll from the letter we've read while coming here, we're supposed to be tutoring a young girl and Ghislaine for 5 full years."

Philip: "That's all the letter said?".

"Yep. Why? Was there suppose to me more than that?".

Philip: "Yes. But it seem you father has left that out. Yare yare. Well that'll be discussed later. For now let's introduce you to my daughter or the young girl you'll be tutoring."


(A few minutes later)

Philip: "I hear the both of you are quite impressive for your age."

"Well truth be told, it was due to our teacher's teaching and father's lesson."

Philip: "You have a way with words, huh. Well anyway, I've already told this to Paul, and I'll say this to you two as well. My daughter can be a handle full. And I don't expect much for you two, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt."

"So in simple terms. Your daughter is a brat and she thinks she has some authority over people, correct?".

Philip: "It seems that we have arrived. Are you confident in tutoring her?".

Ru: "We haven't even met her yet so it's hard to say."

Philip knocks on the door and opens the door.

Philip: "Eris. I've brought with me your new tutors."

We both walk inside the room and introduce ourselves to the brat.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Rudeus Greyrat / Furn Uchiha Greyrat." We said simultaneously.

Eris: "Nani?! These two are younger than me and they're suppose to teach me?".

Ru: "With all due respect, I believe age is irrelevant."

Eris: "Nani?! Are you disagreeing with me?".

Furn: "Yes. We are disagreeing. Can you even d-". I get ahold of her hand and speak again. "Why were you trying to hit me?".

Mushoku Tensei x OC Character - The Red Eye LegendWhere stories live. Discover now