Lilia and Aisha - Part 1

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3rd pov 

In a white void of nothingness, a man no older than 30 can be seen sitting down naked. His hand rubbed against his chin, thinking of something; something serious to him and him alone. 

'Damn it. I didn't think I'd meet Furn this early. The bastard said I would've met up with Furn years from now.' The man cursed himself silently for something. Having thought of Furn and this 'bastard', made him become irritated.

"Hey-o~!" A being of pure white with hints of red appeared to the man, making his appearance abrupt. Waving its hand to the man, the being continued. "Aren't ya happy to meet me again?" 

"Why should I?" The man instantly answered, not looking at the being. "Your so-called advice nearly ended what ties I would have had with Pual." 

"Oh come on~. Why the cold shoulder? It has been a li~ li~ little over a year since we last spoke." The being said, squatting with its hand on its cheek. "After all~, I gave you the path to having what you~ called a 'sharingan'."

Standing up, the being walks past the man. The man glances behind him to see the being as though he doesn't like the being even though from the being's interaction it looks like the emo kid and normal kid having a conversation. 

"Oh, please! All you've done is doom me. First, you led me to be captured by the beastmen I eventually saved. Second, by telling me where Paul is, you never specified where or why. That caused me to fight him and ruin any relationship I had with my little sister. Third, you said I would Furn in the years to come but that was wrong!" 

With a bored and somewhat angered expression on the man's face; he stand up and looked directly at the being. "So, tell me. How has your advice helped me in any way?".

With a chuckle, the being simply replied: "It wasn't my advice that has failed you. It was you yourself that ruined them. Your very actions~ and dialogue~ dictated how my advice would play out."

The man hearing the being's reply looked back with a realization in his mind. Murmuring to himself a curse. 

"Fucking fuck!" Cursing aloud, the man rubbed his hair up and down trying to calm himself down. "Fine, I get it! Without the advice, you gave me I wouldn't have made it up to this point! There happy?!" 

"But~! There is one advice that has proven wrong for you. And that is Furn." For a split second, the being had an expression of annoyance and seriousness but the man did not know nor tell that the being had it. "That boy~ defies all logic and fate. He's an anomaly that is interesting to observe -- without interference -- and aim at."

"I don't care." The man replied but deep down in his mind, he does care. "What I do care for is to find the rest of my family and friends. So give me one set of advice." 

"Ho~? That's rare to hear from you. But oh well~. Here ya go." The being touches the man's forehead; passing away visions of what will happen next or the events that will happen.

After a second of the being pulling back its finger from the man's forehead, the man gasps and readjusts himself. "Wh-what in the hell?"

"Just a reminder~: cover your name and get information. Then send a letter to who is within the place you'll be in shortly after. Someone, you know all too well." The being said while slowly disappearing from the man's vision. "Oh! And don't forget what we agreed upon~!" 

Furn's pov

An audible gasp woke me up. Opening my eyes, I see Ru quickly go to the rails of the ship, throwing up to the sea. 

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Daijoubu. J-just got a little seasick while sleeping." Ru answered.

"If you say so." Turning my eyes away I close my eyes and go back to sleep.

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