A Chance Needed

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Furn's pov

"Sure. Why not." I shrugged.

Ghislaine separated herself from Eris and led her inside the tent. A butler, I forgot who, opens the tent destinated for privacy from the camp. Sliding the covers of the tent, he turns to us extending his hand to gesture a 'come'. 

Glancing at each other, Ru and I walked to the tent. But the horse needed a place to be tied up. I would presume the butler would do it. However, Ru could create a fence of sorts with his earth magic. Ignoring my thoughts, I walked up to the tent.

Entering the tent, it looked relatively spacious but rushed. Paper stacks among paper stacks rekted the tent in every possible nook and cranny. There is furniture in here, surprising enough, with a table with a map. Most likely marked with locations that showed the destroyed area of the mana calamity. 

Sitting down on the sofa, the three of us wait for the butler to close the tent's blinders. Turning around his face is stoic but filled with hints of sadness in his eyes.

"First, I would like to say I am glad that-". The butler is cut short by Eris wanting to get straight to the point. The butler glances at Ghislaine, who meets his glance. With a sigh, the butler continues.

"There is good and bad news. I will start with the bad: your family is dead, Eris-sama. The mana calamity sent them to a warzone in the east. Sauros-sama is executed for letting the mama calamity happen in his domain." Pausing for a moment the butler lets Eris sink that information in. "The good news is... rather better than the alternative. Philemon Notos Greyrat-sama would like to take Eris-sama as a concubine."

Ghislaine looks at the butler slamming her tail to the ground. "Alphonse! Are you really considering that bastard's offer?!" 

Alphonse turns his head at Ghislaine, "He is lord. What matters of him is not of interest." 

"Are you insane?! Is your head not capable of empathy?!" Ghislaine yells at Alpshonse, gripping the table so as to not lash out with recklessness. 

"This is for the region as a whole and for the family line to exist even if it merges with a main-branch member." Alphonse clears his throat and continues, "Eris is, for the region, a sacrifice for the betterment of the people and the stability of the kingdom."

'I forgot Eris is of nobility. And this talk of sending her off to marry some family member disgusts me. But I do want to know the alternative he said earlier. Even if it is 'worse' than this one.'

"And of the other good news?" I asked. "This talk of having Eris marry some potential scum sickens me. I want all options to be talked about for a better solution than this one." 

Alphonse turns to look at me. Sighing, he walks to grab a piece of paper from a corner. Placing it on the table, the three of us lean forward to look at the paper. It shows Paul as the main article, with the rest talking about his deeds to search and help those who were teleported by the mana calamity. 

"This... is?" Ru talked first. 

"Paul Greyrat's achievements. It tells his worth and work that the kingdom took notice. His worth extends to his children - with you as the oldest - having a start of nobility." Alphonse touches the paper and turns it around. "It is an option but a long one. Eris can marry one of you to restore the stability of the region." 

The turned paper shows letters proclaiming Paul to be a noble. If he wishes to start a house, it shall be ready when he wants.

"This is... problematic to say the least." Leaning against the sofa, "To be honest..." Sighing, I glance over at Eris, who seems to be in her mess. Making decisions and talking about now would be fatal for her mental health. 

Mushoku Tensei x OC Character - The Red Eye LegendWhere stories live. Discover now