Meeting a very pointy eared friend

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([07.02.23/03.07.23] Has been re-formated for your eyes :))

Ru: "Hey Furn, lets go outside today."


Ru: "It seems that he's sleeping. Oh, well~ I guess I'll go get my backup pan-"

I immediately wake up and grab Ru's arm and hold a fireball in my other hand. "*smiles* Ru. Care to show me where it is? Don't worry I won't burn like last time." I get closer to Ru and make the fireball bigger.

Ru: "I-it was a j-joke! You didn't want to wake up so I j-just said that to ask you a question."

"... If your lying and you really do have a backup then I'll burn in front of mother to see how she reacts to you being a pervert. Anyway, what's the question?"

Ru: "O-oh right. Ah, can we go outside today? I've decided that I shouldn't fear the outside."

"So why not. Its pretty boring being stuck here." I let go of Ru's arm and walk out of the house.
And see Dad trying to grab Mom's ass. 'Like father like son huh.' "Mom, Dad. Me and Ru are going outside."

Dad: "Outside? Rudeus is going outside?!"

"Yea. I don't know why either but he wants to go."

Ru: "W-well after Master brought me outside, I saw that the villager were really nice."

Mom: "Im very happy to know that your going outside. Fury, make sure to keep a eye on Rudy, in case he's scared again."

"Don't worry, Mom. If something happens I'll help in anyway I can. Anyway, I think we should get going to enjoy the outside more." I walkout our home and head somewhere the path follows.


A few half an hours later. Me and Ru heard some voices yell at someone.

???: "Get out of the village, demon!"

???2: "Go back to the Demon Continent!"

After hearing that me and Ru walked closer to see the situation. And boy was it infuriating. I saw a one of the boys pick up a rock and was ready to throw it at the 'demon'. Ru ran and throw a waterball at the boy who had the rock. I ran to the 'demon' to see if it has any injuries. "Hey, you okay?"

???: "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

'Oh... Its a girl. Anyway, it seems the 3 boys left. "Ru, can you use your water magic to clean her?"

Ru: "Sure. But I can't wet his clothes, I'm going to wash his hair."

"Correction. That's a girl. Also yea you do that."

???: "T-thank you."

"No problem. Just make sure when they do that again fight back."

???: "Y-yes. T-thank you again."

She started to walk away but I grabbed her shoulder. "I think it's best if we dry your hair. We won't want to be the cause of your cold."

???: "B-but I'm a demon. Y-you, don't mind if I'm a demon?"

Ru: "Well our master is a demon. So we don't mind if you are one as well. Anyway, I'm going to dry your hair now."

Some time later, Ru finished drying the girls hair and we soon after walked back home back the girl kept following us.

???: "U-um. Why did you save me?"

"Well our dad says that we have protect and befriend the weak. Besides bullying someone else is just wrong."

Ru: "So starting today your our friend. Which means we can play together."

???: "Are you sure? Wouldn't you also get treated like me if you befriended me."

"I wouldn't care less if that happens. Putting that aside, what's your name? Mines is Furn."

Ru: "And I'm Rudeus. We're twin brothers if you haven't guessed."

Sylph: "Sylph..."

'Like the wind spirit. Interesting. I wonder if...'

Ru: "Sylph. That's a very nice name!"

Sylph: "*looks away* Thank you."

"We're here." We stopped at a tree that's on a cliff where we can see the fields.

Ru: "So what should we play?"

"I was thinking maybe tag or hide'n'seek? Though I think tag is better cause we only have this
tree to hide in."

Ru: "I vote on tag. How about you Sylph?"

Sylph: "I don't know. I've never played them before with friends. I want you to teach me that thing you did before."

"Thing?" I wonder what's she talking about?

Sylph: "When Rudeus waves has hand and splash of water came or the wind that he shot out."
"Oh... You mean magic. But what Ru did was incantation-less magic. Your gonna have to first learn those to do what he did."

Ru: "So you're interested in magic?"

Sylph: "Yeah."

Ru: "Well we got time anyway."

Once Ru said that, Sylph smiled and her ears twitched in happiness.


After a few hours, we taught Sylph some magic, she only learned wind and water, with some fire magic. But her true power lied in wind. Anyway with the sum setting down we took Sylph home to her parents, soon me and Ru arrived back home.

Ru: "We're home."

Father had a disappointed face on him. I wonder why.

Dad: "Do you know why I'm upset?"

"We don't know, why". We said at Dad.

Dad: "I heard that you two ganged on little Somal."

"Who's Somal?" I asked. Cause I have no clue who the fuck that is. I dont even remember me or Ru ganging on someone.

Dad: "The boy both of you ganged on. He's a bit chubby."

'... Oh. That kid who bullied Sylph. Let's guess he told a lie to his parents and made fake scratches amd bruises to make it seem believable.' "Look, I don't know what you heard but-"

Dad: "No! When you do something bad, you say, 'sorry'!"

Ru: "But, we saw him and other-".

Dad: "No excuses!"

I had an angry look on my face which made Dad be more serious.

Dad: "What's with that look?... Well? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Because if I or Ru say something else that you don't want to hear then you'll just say that their just excuses and yell at us for not 'apologizing' even without hearing what we have to say."

After I said that d- no Paul lost his cool and smacked me on the face. *smack*

I lost balance but I still standed, not looking at him. "Father, I understand that what you just did was a mistake. But until now I've lost respect on you. *slowly looks at Father* You hit and shout at me without letting me or Ru explain ourselves in what happened on our side of the story."

Father: "But little Somal was definitely hurt, and-"

"Even if I or Ru injured him, neither of us would apologize. For what he did."

Father: "Hang on, what happened then?"

"I thought you said that you didn't want 'excuses'? So what'll be? Do you want to believe what he said or do you want to hear both sides of the story to fully understand what really happened?"

Father: "Tell me your side of the story, Furn."

After some explaining later. We made our way inside and greeted mother, telling her what happened today, excluding our fight outside with Father. After I went to bed.

"Hey Ru, why are you so nervous right now?"

Ru: "W-well... You m-might want to look in the reflection of the water..."

Ru made a small puddle on the floor under the moonlight, I looked at the reflected and saw that I-

That's the end. Here meme

 Here meme

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