Till Power Do Us Apart

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Furn's pov

Gustav: "Is... Why is Lady Tomoe standing still, unresponsive?"

"I casted a genjutsu onto her through my Sharingan. She's talking to Kurama right now."

Gustav: "And when will the conversation between the two end?"

I shrugged. And answered: "I don't know. But they must have a long conversation for it to last more than 1 second. Oh, and by the way. Is Tomoe from the same place as Chitose-sensei?"

Gustav: "I believe so. She, when we first met, introduced herself as Tomoe Hyuga. As one of the descendants of the 7th Hokage. Though I'm not sure what a Hokage is, it seems to be a very important position for y'all."

"Thats correct. A Hokage is a leader of the village. We consider Hokages to be among the best of the best. Feats that no other shinobi can do, and power that is unimaginable."

"Naruhodo." Gustav nods while touching his beard. "What do you think will happen when you meet the scared beast?"

"To be honest. I have no idea." I shook my head. "If I had to guess it'd be power. But if it isn't then I couldn't care less of what it would be."

"Sorry for the delay. I now understand why you are here. Please, follow me." Tomoe gestured and turned around.

As we made ourselves enter the shrine, the entire landscape changed within but the main building did not. The small space that was visible from the outside was just an illusion, not made of chakra or magic from what I can tell. 

*light glow*

'Masamune?' I looked at Mansamune as it shined a blue hue. 

'Why is Masamune shining? The only other time it reacted like this was when Kyosei blinded me in that god-awful light.' Just getting flashbacks from that moment is giving me chills. 

Kurama: "The amount of charka coming from the building has changed. The chakra signature was unnoticeable, but now its vibrate, dynamic, and powerful. Kit, we're in for a surprise."

'So are you going to tell me now why you were so adamant to come here?'

Kurama: "In due time to which is near, kit."

I click my tongue getting annoyed by this. 'Fine. But after this, we're going back to traveling. I have yet to reunite with my brother.'

Tomoe stops and places her hands on the door of the building where the scared beast resides. "We've arrived." Tomoe turns around and gives us a warning. "The guardian of this forest is only a child but a wise child. So feel free to ask it any questions you desire." 

"I understand. But that wasn't derived to me was it?" 

"No. The tailed beast inside you, Kurama, was to who I was directing such words. I will take my leave and leave you here with the guardian." Tomoe bows and walks out of the room grabbing Gustav with her.

The door closes behind me. The room becomes a void, darkness, that is impossible to see in. 

Unsheathing Masamune I wield it as a lightsaber, to provide light in the room. "Divine Rule #2: Spirit Sword". A clear white with blue light illuminated the room showing a statue of what seems to be a...

"Is that what the beast looks like? It looks a bit like you Kurama."

"That looks nothing remotely like me! And if it were it still isn't!" Kurama roared.

"Yea, yea. So what now? I thought this would be more... climatic than this."

"Simple. Release some chakra. That should tell the beast to come here." Kurama instructed.

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