The Elder's Training - Part 1

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As per request from @Dodominic2021  there shall be no harem. 


Furn's Pov

Darel: "Wake up, Furn! We have to get you to the Elder."

"Got it." I said irritated and half asleep. 'Let's see what this elder has for me.' I thought as I got ready to put on my clothes and blindfold. I walked to the door and opened it. "Alright, take me to your leader."

Darel: "I wonder how you're able to see through that blindfold. whatever, come on."

"It's called practice, Darel. You should try it sometime. Oh, and by the way where is Gen?". 

Darel: "He's been testing out that thing you said the other day when we were attacked by the Sandworms."

'That makes sense. This world is governed by the laws of magic. Not physics.' We walked a bit farther and stopped at a massive door. "Is this the place?".

Darel: "Yes. Though I must warn you. The Elder is a strong person and respect is highly advised if you want to live." He said with some difficulty.

"I'll keep that in mind." 

Darel nodded, which was both approval to the guards guarding the door and to me, acknowledging my words. As the doors opened, we were greeted by a large pool of charka. 

As soon as I entered I fell down to my knees, breathing heavily. 'W-what terrifying charka levels! This feels like Naruto's KM mode.' 

???: "Hmm. I expected you to at least be unfazed by my chakra... Uchiha." 

My eyes widen. 'How does this old man know I'm an Uchiha? I didn't tell Darel or Gen my full name. Unless'. I raised my head just enough to look at the old man's face.

 I raised my head just enough to look at the old man's face

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(Don't own this. Please don't sue me.) 

???: "You must be wondering how I know you're an Uchiha, boy. Darel, you can leave."

Darel: "Yes, Elder." He said bowing, then walking out of the door.

???: "Now that Darel is gone. I assume you have many questions, no?"

"Yeah. I do. First, how do you know I'm an Uchiha? And secondly, who are you?". I said with curiosity but also with venom.

???: "Now, now boy. No need to get offensive. Let me start by saying, I am Chitose Yuudai of the Leaf Village, the ex-10th Hokage. And I know you're an Uchiha because of the charka you sent to your eyes before coming here. I must say, having the EMS at your age is impressive."

"Hold it! You send you're from the Leaf Village AND a Hokage?! Then... I know this is unexpected but can you train me in any jutsu, taijutsu, and in the Eight Gates?". I said bowing. 

Chitose: "Hahaha. For an Uchiha, you're not as arrogant as the others I've met in my lifetime. If you want to be trained by me, then you must pass the test for Genin, Chunin, Jonin, and finally Kage or Sannin in order to determine where you rank."

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