3. Appointment

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Elle , always hated the hospital. Luckily she was with Chris. It lessened the nauseating feeling in her chest. Maybe it was the overwhelming smell of the hospital or how white everything was. The sight of seeing someone go through pain wasn't pleasant at all. It would end up in her dreams the night and her insomnia would kick in. Making her stay up all night and end up having dark circles the next day.

But there was this itch today. Something weird pulling at her heart.

Why was she so nervous?. Probably because she hated the hospital right?. She thought.

" The doctor isn't going to kill you, Elle, " he chuckled and Elle blushed. He knew everything about her. From how she ate her popcorn to how she prefered her warm shower. That was why he was the only person who knew her most.

When Chris wasn't angry, you'd mistake him for an angel but once his anger slashed your skin, you'd know you were dealing with the devil himself. It'd slash so deep to the point of blood.

" Stop, I just don't like how the hospital smells, it smells weird?, " she argued and sat next to him as they waited for the doctor. Elle scoffed as the nurses stripped Chris naked with their eyes.

" Why don't they just do their jobs?" She muttered under her breath.

" Because I look too sexy," Chris chuckled deeply. He knew he wasn't supposed to hear that but like why not!.

" I'd literally make you invisible if I could." Elle cast him a glance.

" Are you jealous?," She shrugged.

" Why would I be?, " She leaned into him.

" Because at the end of the day, it's me you love to cuddle. Loretta didn't even come in the way." She smirked. Chris licked his lower lip. His gaze running down to her exposed cleavage.

" Follow me." He rose and fixed his attire.

" Make me. " She challenged him.

" Wanelle Jones if you don't follow me, hell you won't be able to handle what's going to come later." She smiled and rose from her seat.

After quenching the fire between the two, they returned looking freshly fucked.

She tapped her foot against the tiled floors, looking around as the nurses stared at her weirdly.

" Now they are jealous." Elle scoffed.

" I know baby," With that, the nurse called for Elle. As they were about to get inside, a call came. Chris pulled out his phone and answered. Elle nearly rolled her eyes. Couldn't the call wait?.

" Can't it wait? " she asked, annoyed.

" Baby, it's an important call I have to talk to the client, personally," he was tapping his feet against the tiled floors, aggressively. He needed that deal of he was going to keep buying her the expensive gifts, he always got.Money and power were the two other things that mattered in his life. He thought.

"Important than me? " Ellen retorted as the doctor called her the second time.

"Elle, " he said dangerously low. She turned without another word and walked to the doctor's office, wiping her tears. He treated her like shit, but why couldn't she leave his ass?. She thought.

" Jerk, total idiot, couldn't even follow me. Urrgh. I hate his sexy ass." she muttered under her breath as she followed the nurse.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A cheerful voice answered. Elle hesitantly pulled the door open and walked right in. She took a seat offered by the sweet old familiar lady in white. She was their family doctor.

"Well, How is my beautiful Elle, doing? " she pulled out Elle's medical folder.

" Not good, I think I have the bug, " she sighed with a small smile on her face.

"How have you been feeling? " she took a pen and started to scribble notes on Elle's folder.

"I've been throwing up and that isn't so pleasant. Sometimes, I feel so dizzy, " Elle trailed off.

" I literally feel like I'm in a different body. " she raised both brows asking if Dr Cook understood what she meant. She nodded.

"When was the last time you were on your period? " she asked and Elle started to think back to last two months. She had her period the month before she went to Chris's study to calm him down and the end results was Chris and her laying in his study floors, naked.


" I.... I.... I, " she stuttered. She could be pregnant, how could she not notice it. Elle thought.

"I know what you are thinking Elle but we can't conclude that without a test, so I'm going to have to let you take a test, " the old lady smiled.

" And what if I'm pregnant? " she whispered to herself. All those years, they'd always had safe sex. She always got her shots. And she.....

" No" she instinctively touched her belly. She missed her shot that month and next . She was battled with leaving Chris and finally forgetting everything. The whole situation had made her life a terribly messy one. How could she forget such an important thing?. How could she be so reckless?.

As she waited for the test, she wished so wished, Chris would have been in there, holding her hand and planting calming kisses to her face so she'd relax and hang unto the hope that she wasn't pregnant. It just couldn't happen. She wasn't ready to be a mother not at 19. Not when she hadn't even achieved her dreams of being a fashion designer.

"The results are in Elle, " Dr Cook announced. She played with the strap on her bag, nervously.

"You are four weeks, pregnant, Elle"

It hit her like a brick wall. It couldn't be.

"No, no, I can't be pregnant, " she chanted over and over again.

" I understand Elle, things like this happen and it's up to you to make a decision. It's your choice and the father's at the end of the day. Tell him and see what happens , I'm always here for you," she hugged Elle.

"I can talk to your parents, if that's what you're afraid of," she offered.

"You don't understand, I can't be pregnant " Elle cried.

Because she knew, one thing;

Chris didn't want anymore kids.

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