46. Roses Are Red, So Is Love

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Elle followed the trail of roses on the polished wooden floors. After dressing up and coming out of her closet, she was dumbfounded to find beautiful red roses arranfed in a line. She made it a mental note to keep some for they would remind her of that day forever.
She walked through the roses, her high heels made clanking sounds. She stopped right Infront of a door, the large thick oak door faced her. She could feel the tension flying off the door. They were waiting for her.

She smiled,contented and pushed the door open.

The sight that welcomed her was overwhelming. The floor was completely covered with red roses, not a spot left uncovered. Her jaw dropped. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and felt. She felt loved.

" God," she trailed off. She whipped around at the sound of the door shutting behind her. She was faced with a half naked Bryan, holding a white rose, a sexy smirk plastered across his face. He walked up to her in all his graciousness. His finger tips brushed a curl from Elle's face.

" Bryan," she whispered.

" Baby girl," he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. The kiss lingered a little longer, he had taken his delicious time to take in her scent.

" This is for you," he gifted her the white rose. Purest emotion. The flower contrasted with everything about Bryan.

A throat was cleared this time, she looked towards the bathroom  door, Theodore  was leaning against the door ,a red rose in hand , wearing a red pants instead of white like Bryan. That was when she realized what they were doing. Everyone's flower matched their pants.

Theodore walked up to her. He hugged her, indicating how he has always been so overprotective over her since a young age.

" Red for the bravest woman," He handed her the rose.

" You're making so emotional right now," Elle whined playfully. Theodore gestured behind her, with his brows. She turned around. The very first man who taught her what love was.

Christian Garcia.

He had a flower like everyone, specifically black. Black roses. Elle smiled instinctively. They definitely matched his love for her. It was dark in the beginning but there was always light. He was her hiding spot.

" Elle," he kissed her lips, it was like he was meant to start what was about to go down. He gently bit on her lips ,causing her to gasp, he slid his tongue into her warmth. Elle moaned at the intrusive act.

" You look so fucking beautiful princess," he kissed her harder, Elle wrapped her arms around his neck.

She felt the wet spot on her neck, Bryan was kissing in the crook of her neck. God he knew perfectly well, her weak point. Elle's knees buckled when Theodore's hands roamed her skin.

" We are going to make love to you ,princess,"  Chris whispered. She felt Bryan undoing her dress,pulling the zipper down. Elle stepped out of her high heels. With the heels off she felt like they were going to crash her tiny frame.

Chris groaned as he hauled her off her feet, like she weighed nothing. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him. Bryan followed but something suddenly changed. The atmosphere became gloomy causing them to stop. They all turned around to face him.

Theodore he was watching them, amusement glinting in his eyes. Why did he stop?. They were in this together or maybe...


" I'm sorry Elle, I can't do this," he apologized.

Elle fumbled for blankets wrapping it around her and running around the bed to his side.

He was still staring at her in shock.

" Theodore what's wrong?," he burst into tears. Both dominant men walked to the two, confusion clouding their features.

" Theodore, please don't," Elle pleaded .

" I can't get used to this Elle, I guess I'm not into it. I love you and I really do but I'm not strong enough to share you with them," he gestured to Chris and Bryan. Not that he was selfish ,no. He wasn't he just wasn't going to accept it. He could never.

"I'm sorry but I call it quits, Elle, I let you go," a lone tear fell from her eyes. He was breaking up with them. He was leaving them and that was the most painful breakup.

" Theodore," she whispered.

" I'm not brave to love you with such an intensity, I do love you no doubts but these two men are the love of your life, "

"I'm sorry,Elle love, I will always have a special place in my heart for you, bye," he stood there no more. The only memory of him was his scent lingering in the air.

"Br...Bryan, he ,he left," Elle choked on her cries. Bryan wrapped his arms around her tightly. Chris joined. They had never expected that to happen.

Not in their wildest dreams.

" Baby girl, "

" Chris, Theodore broke up with us," she had grown accustomed to having all three of them.

" He left Chris,"


So I wanted to make this as realistic as possible and I hope you don't lash out on Theodore. He is like the most delicate character to me and what he did was something most people would do. Sometimes you go fully into something and realize this is not what I want.

So this chapter was precious to write about.

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