4. Lies

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Elle walked out of the doctors office carrying the most faked smile. But the light in her eyes was dimmed, darkened. Her smile didn't reach her eyes and Chris noticed it as he hanged up from the call.

" Elle baby, how did it go? " he asked softly. She tensed under his touch. She was afraid he'd see right through her and find the truth but she had to keep quite about it until she decided to tell him. Because as nerve wrecking as it felt, she couldn't bring herself to abort the baby. She couldn't take the life of her baby away. Her baby. Because she knew Chris wasn't into the idea of having a baby, especially with the circumstance of their illicit affair.

A lot of lives were going to be ruined. She was going to be judged for having an affair with a man whose second daughter was her age. And the woman whom she'd considered as a second mother. Her father was going to be disappointed in her, and her mother would be so disgusted by her. She thought.

" It was.....just a bug, she prescribed some medicines, I'll be fine in no time, " she laughed nervously. It looked so true, Chris's face softened. But he itched to ask if she's sure but he refrained from it. Elle didn't have anything to hide. He thought.

She'd never lie.

" Good, baby, I'll drop you home and I'll head to the office, I have , " Chris checked the expensive wristwatch around his wrist.

" Twenty minutes to get there," he took his position by her side and walked out the clinic. As they got inside Chris's car, Elle breathed in relief as he started the car without any more questions. Just a normal conversation ,here and there.

" Would like to go with me on a trip to Italy?" Chris asked.

" There's this gala a company is hosting and I got invited to speak at the event and God knows I can't do that without my favorite eyes watching me." He added.

" When is it?," She asked.

" A few days from now." He answered focused on the road.

" I think I'll skip this one." Chris tilted his head to stare at her. This was the first time, Elle had ever rejected an invitation from a getaway. She alwsy wanted this. So when he got the invite, he was excited to break the news to her and make the arrangements.

"Elle," he trailed off.

" I'm sorry Chris. I don't want to fall sick or distract you on anything."

" Elle you never distract me and besides you went to the doctor's today. You'll be fine and even if you fall sick, I'll take care of you baby." He released the wheel and caressed her cheek.

" That's why I'm not coming. You'll be forced to take care of me "

"I'm not complaining. You're my princess."

" Sorry." She ended.

He fished his phone out of his pockets and made a call.

" Yeah, I'll be there in a bit." He didn't notice the car approaching.

"CHRIS!" Elle screamed. He dropped his phone.and turned the wheel making their car go in a different direction.

Elle clutched unto her stomach so hard. They almost died.

" Baby, " he unbuckled his seatbelt and examined her for any bruises or wound. Elle was too shocked to speak or utter another word.

"Oh Elle." Chris pulled her into a hug. What if the car crashed into theirs?. What if she got hurt. It was her side that was about to be crashed into and the thought of anything happening to her was a blow to his hard heart.

"I-- I'm fine, I'm okay." She whispered as she wiped away the tears that fell. She pulled back and stared into his eyes,smiling assuringly.

" I'm fucking firing him,why did he even call me?. Why did I even get distracted. I was supposed to protect you." He said in one breath.

"Fuck!," His fist crashed into the steering wheel. Elle reached over and grabbed his hand. He stopped eyes red and puffy.

" Let's go, we are fine and that's what matters. We are fine." She discretely touched her belly caressing the area soothingly.

"Are you sure, you are fine? " Chris asked as she didn't reply to his talks. The usual Elle would be happily talking. Grinning and smirking in between every funny thing. But after what happened it was expected. Not to talk of her smiles. The smiles that made his day. But she felt so distant. She was in a world of her own.

Chris was a man brought up with the idea of having control. After witnessing his father brutally shout at and hit his mother from the age of ten, he was a living mess himself. He always ended up hurting people.

He was torn between two things. Living with a woman he had spent his years with, or the young woman who he couldn't go to sleep without thinking about, Elle.

He loved her, if he would be so honest to himself. But he didn't want to believe in that idea of love. An idea of being a toy, as his father referred to men who couldn't make their wives sit.

Countless of therapies. His wife Loretta, was a victim. After years, he no longer loved to hit her. He needed someone new and that someone new had to be none other than the daughter of his brother. A man he considered, a brother and family.

"I'm fine, just a little worn out." Elle stated as a matter of fact. In her state, she got tired with the slightest stress and this situation was worse than any stress.

" Try to sleep, I won't take you home. You can nap in my office" he smiled and slightly squeezed her hand.

Elle nodded and collapsed into the seat. She snored softly as Chris stared at her. She was the most beautiful woman, he had ever seen and he would never let her go for anything.

She belonged to him. She was his to love and protect.

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