5. Theodore

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Elle stared at her small and almost invisible bump. She smiled as she caressed her bump. As the days swept by, she had grown fond of her baby. She made it a must to visit Dr. Cook for regular checkups. She had promised not to talk about the pregnancy with her family. She made up a lie about a bumpy relationship, her parents didn't agree to.

Dr Cook was the same doctor who took care of medical issues of the Garcias. Like how was she going to say that Mr. Garcia was the father of her unborn child. It would have caused a ruckus.

"Baby, mummy will make sure we have our own place, ok?" she whispered to her baby. It was a decision she had taken right after leaving Chris's office a month ago. In other to live freely, she had to use her college as an excuse to move away from everyone until she could take it all.

She slid on her hoodie. She had specifically shopped for countless of hoodies. That way she could hide her bump away from everyone. She had always made sure, sex with Chris had been reduced despite her high sexual frustration. It was rather a quickie or having sex in the dark so he wouldn't notice.

Her appetite had also increased, she had gained weight over the past days. She was actually looking her very best if you'd asked her. She loved how she looked and every change was a push for her to go on with her apartment hunt.

" Elle, you're taking forever, the Garcia's will be here soon!" her mother yelled from behind the door. She pulled on a shorts hurriedly and tied her hair in a messy bun.

"I'll be done in a minute, mum! " She answered and went straight for the door. She dragged her feet down the stairs and was greeted by a face, she'd missed. Chris's. He winked at her,subtly and turned to his wife and Briana.

That man was cunning. She thought.

"Girl, your body looks bomb! " Briana said as she gave Elle a thumbs up.

"She's looking beautiful too, I can't deny that, little Elle " a different voice interfered. She turned sharply. Briana had a striking resemblance to Chris. Light brown hair and silver orbs, worth drowning in.

"Oh yes, Elle meet my son, Theodore, " Mrs Garcia said cheerfully. As Elle examined him. He had a striking resemblance to Loretta. Her jet black hair and dark eyes. He sure took after his mother.

"The last time, I saw you two, " he ruffled Briana's hair, earning a punch to the shoulder from her.

"You two were this tall, now, look at you two, " Theodore said, still eyeing Elle. Honestly, he still hadn't gotten over the crush he had over the cute little girl. He thought he did but he never did and now seeing her all grown and beautiful. He was straight on one thing.

He was going to get her to be his girlfriend before she left for college.

"Nice to meet you, Theodore , I'm Elle and thanks for the compliment, " his eyes gleamed as she took his hand formally. She could barely remember him but she didn't mind that. All she could mind was how hungry she was.

Everyone was busy having chit chats, Chris cautiously walked closer to Elle. Elle tensed when she felt his hand tightly wrapped around her waist.

"Chris," she whisper yelled carrying a fake smile. What the hell was he doing?. Everyone was here.

"I don't like the way he's looking at you, " he scoffed. Elle blushed furiously.

"He's your son, Chris, " Elle stated keeping her gaze straight, only glancing at Chris after a sentence.

"That doesn't mean he should be undressing you with his eyes, I'm the only one who has the right to that. " he grumbled. Elle tried so hard not to laugh.

"What's funny?, " Chris glared at her.

"You're jealous of your own son?, " Elle grinned.

"He's a man so yes ."

" Dinner is ready, " Elle's mother announced . Chris walked away after giving Elle a curt nod. Elle's mother started to fill everyone's plate. Elle and Theodore happened to sit next to each other.

As Elle dug into her food, she sighed as she filled her mouth. Her appetite was quite suspicious but no one minded it as they talked about Theodore's achievements and other things in between. Asking if he was in a relationship. Elle couldn't care. It was none of her business, anyway.

" I don't have a girlfriend and if I did, I'm sure Elle would be amazing, "

Two people nearly chocked on their foods. They shared a look. They both looked away instantly to avoid any suspicions.

Chris was handed a glass of water by Loretta and Elle by Theodore. She glared at him and took the glass hesitantly.

"I'd never date you, Theodore, " she whispered to him. Because yes, she'd never do that.

"I'll make you date me, Elle" he smirked and Elle looked away. He was so annoying.

" Am sure they'd be perfect for each other, " Elle's mum, Olivia chirped happily causing Elle to squirm in her seat uncomfortably.

"Come on guys, " Elle rolled her eyes. As she stared at Chris, he had a hard look. His jaw clenched and his knuckles white from holding the folk tightly. He was mad. She knew because she could feel it.

" It's just a joke, but we wouldn't mind, right Chris," Loretta placed her hand on his shoulder.

" Yeah, right, " he cleared his throat.

After the awkward conversation, everyone went back to eating. Chris excused himself and Elle did after a few minutes. She gasped as Chris pulled her into her room and kissed her with so much authority. His calloused fingers exploring every inch of her body as he tugged her dress shorts off.

" Say that you belong to me, " He reached for her hoodie but she was fast to drag his attention to something and somewhere else.

" I belong to you, " she kissed him deeply.

" I love you, Elle " for the first time, Chris had a vulnerability in his voice. It was replaced in a second by his usual cold stone voice.

" Every thing, this, all of you." he moulded his fingers into her ass,feeling her soft flesh and hoisted her up. Chris was in love with Elle's new appearance. He loved her looking like this. She felt good.

"I'm glad you put on weight, you look so fucking ,hot" he grunted as he slid inside her, feeling her warmth engulf him, fully.

Elle could only get filled with regret as she moaned his name silently.

You're going to be a father.

She thought. Because in the every end, she could never tell him. If she wanted this fantasy to end peacefully and not hurt anyone, then he didn't have to know. It was better this way.

He didn't need to know.

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