Pokemon School#1 ~ Companions

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Before this book starts I just want to say that first, I don't even know if this community is still alive or not but whatever. Second, this is a continued version in my words of Pokemon School by SawyerKamiya. Highly recommend you read it. But enough of me talking, lets start.


Shota: You two used to travel together?!

Shota was with Siebold and Professor Sycamore at an unknown place that Siebold had taken them to. Sycamore had just pointed out that he and Siebold had travelled together.

Sycamore: Right! We received our starters together since we were very close friends when we were younger. But as time passed on, both of us grew extremely busy with our work, me researching and him doing work as an Elite 4. But we still did stay in touch and we occasionally visit each other when we can.

Shota: B-b-but how?! I had no idea you two were friends! How did your journey together start? What was it like?

Siebold: That's a story for another time. Right now, it's getting rather late, so you two should be on your way back to the school. I'll have my driver get you there.

Shota and Sycamore agreed, and said goodbye to Siebold. They made their way to the driver. In less than 10 minutes they were already at the school.

Shota: I still can't believe you guys travelled together...

Sycamore: Ah, they were great days. Maybe I can tell you about it some other time. But right now you need to get to your dorm and take a good rest.

Shota: Yes sir.

They both parted ways, Sycamore to his office and Shota to his dorm.

The next day

Sycamore: WHAT?! A-are you certain?

Astrid had just come from her mission with red eyes indicating crying, explaining everything that happened. Including what had happened to Gary.

Astrid: Yes. I watched it. The beam had just c-consumed him. I don't know how anyone could survive it.

Sycamore: I see, we will have to inform Delia about this, as well as his friends.

Astrid: If it's alright with you and Steven, I would like to take a break from the recollection team. I just don't know how to feel about what happened.

Sycamore: Of course you can Astrid, I'll let Steven know about what happened.

With that, Astrid left the room, leaving Sycamore wondering how to break it to everyone. He came to the conclusion that he will announce it at the morning assembly tomorrow. But he planned to tell Delia beforehand.

With Calem and Serena

Serena: Calem, don't order too many things, you'll never finish it.

Calem and Serena were on their date together. They were at a fancy restaurant and Calem had just ordered pretty much everything.

Calem: Oh come on Serena, I need to eat a lot to be strong.

Serena: I'd love to see how you perform in gym class after eating that much.

Calem: Fair point.

Waiter: Sir, Madam, your food is here.

A waiter had to bring a trolley just for Calem's food.

Serena: Thank you very much.

Calem was about to dig right in until he heard a voice coming from around the entrance.

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