Pokemon School#6 ~ Homecoming

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(Time skip, 3 months)

We are in Alola as Ash prepares to say goodbye to all of his friends that are not coming with him. A lot has changed in the last 3 months. Ash has built a strong physique, Leafa's baby was born. And of course, Ash had become a lot stronger in his aura, and Pokemon Battling. 

Ash: This is it, one year passed Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: We're going home. And back to school!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

As Ash exits his house, he sees all his friends (ones that are not coming with him) standing there. Marko, Leafa, Kukui and Mallow.

Ash: Hey guys.

Marko: Hey champ. You've done well over the last year.

Ash: Hehe, guess so.

Leafa: There's no need to be modest Ash, we're all proud of you.

Kukui: That's right, and remember, we're all here for you if you need anything.

Mallow: That's right.

Ash: I'll admit, I'm going to miss training with you Marko.

Marko: Likewise. Keep training hard.

Marko was the dad Ash never had. They were so alike. And Ash knew he could always count on Marko.

Ash: Heh, will do!

Pikachu: Pika!

Lillie: I'm ready to go!

Hau: Same here!

Ash shot a glance at Marko, he got an approving nod. From everyone. This filled Ash with warmth. He grinned and said-

Ash: Well let's go, we got another journey coming right at us!

And the three departed to the Ferry Terminal, waving to their Alolan family.

(In Kalos)

Gary: Goh, come on, we gotta meet em at the harbor!

Goh: Yeah, just a sec

Gary had been awaiting this day for so long and the same was with Goh. They were going to meet Ash at the harbor with Delia.

Delia: Come on boys, lets go! 

Goh: Alright, done. Let's bounce!

Gary: Good, come on!

The three drove to the harbor and awaited for Ash's boat to come into sight.

Goh: I can't wait to meet him.

Gary: Yeah, it'll be great seeing him again...

Gary them remembered what happened on the harbor the last time they were here.

Gary: It's just...the energy wasn't as positive the last time we were here.

Goh: It's okay, I'm sure he'll forgive you.

Gary: Thanks man.


Gary and Goh turned their heads and looked at the horizon, they could indeed see a boat there. It was the same one that took Ash to Alola. Gary grinned. Soon enough the boat reached the pier and passengers were pouring out of it. There was no sign of Ash. Until...


???: Don't be so loud.

???: It feels great to be back here!

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