Pokemon School#13 ~ A connection. A promise.

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A/N: hello. haven't updated in a while so gotta get this part out or im gonna feel guilty af. so basically what happened was I was going somewhere for a few days, but while on the trip, i was an idiot and destroyed my wrist. the muscles in my wrist tore all the way so i couldnt even type anything so i had to wait a few days. anyways im just trying to get this chapter out.

Ash and Serena were in Terminous Cave, Serena with an injured leg and Ash face to face with the legendary Kalosian Pokemon, Zygarde.

Ash: No way.

Serena: Oh wow...


Ash was now face to face with the legendary Kalosian Pokemon (50%). Zygarde looked deep in Ash's eyes. It felt as though it was prying into Ash's soul. Ash looked back, trying not to leave a bad impression. Zygarde moved back a bit and let of a huge roar which shook the cave.

Ash: Uh-oh.

Serena: What did you do?

Ash: Nothing! It doesn't seem happy.

Serena: I gathered that much.

Zygarde started throwing rocks towards Ash and Serena.

Ash: Woah! Greninja, cut!

Greninja: Gren!

Greninja rushes in and uses cut on the rocks.

Ash pulls out the handkerchief from when they first met, and ties it around her injury. A beacon of nostalgia for the two.

Ash: Come on! Let's get you out of here Serena!

Serena: Me? What about you?!

Ash: We still have our mission right? We need the stone and data on Zygarde!

Serena: Ash, it's too dangerous!

Ash: Doesn't matter. You trust me right?

Serena pondered on this question for a brief moment, then answered-

Serena: I trust you completely.

Ash: Then we shouldn't have a problem here. Greninja, hold 'em off for a bit a longer!

Greninja: Gren!

Ash quickly carries Serena up, making her blush. His other Pokemon help him locate an exit to leave Serena. They then head back to fight.

Ash: Alright, Pikachu? Will you stay with Serena?

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: Thanks buddy, stay safe Serena.

Serena: That goes for you too Ash..

Ash gave an assuring smile to Serena then he quickly headed back into the cave. Soon enough he comes back to the clearing they were in and sees all of his Pokemon collapsed, and Greninja tanking each hit from Zygarde. (Keep in mind, he's still not in Ash-Greninja form).

Ash: Greninja! Are you okay?

Greninja: Gren..!

Ash: Man this Pokemon is tough.

Ash looks up at the towering Pokemon above him and thinks of what to do. 

Ash: We've got no other options. Greninja! Let's synchronize!

Greninja: Grenin!

Ash and Greninja's movements started moving in sync and the water veil appeared and disappeared like usual. Ash-Greninja was revealed, ready for battle.

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