Pokemon School#27 ~ Road to Recovery! Data Breach!

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i deadass forgot about uploading last week 💀

as of four days ago, the book has turned 1 years old 🥳🥳 (except theres only like 30 chapters, i will definitely update more now)

my bad, enjoy chapter 27.


We join Ash as he wakes up a day before the Sycamore High Tournament begins.

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: Come on, let me sleep for a bit more. 

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Ash: Maybe you're right. Okay, let's get to training after breakfast. ACHOO!

Pikachu: Pi?

Ash: Uh-oh. I might've gotten sick from last night.

Pikachu: Pika...

Pikachu hopped on Ash's shoulder and gave him a sympathetic pat on the head as they walked out of his room. Out in the main room was Gary, Serena and Goh. 

Gary: Morning Ashton!

Ash: Morning, don't call me that. Morning Goh, Serena. ACHOO!

Serena: Morning, what happened to you? You look under the weather there.

Goh: No kidding, you look like you're about to collapse any moment.

Ash: Oh, relax. I just need some medicine and I'll be fine. 

Before Ash could even take a step towards the cabinets, Serena got up and felt his forehead.

Serena: You're really burning up Ash..

Ash: I just need medicine, trust me.

Gary went and felt his forehead too, then he laughed to himself.

Gary: You've got a killer fever there Ashy-Boy. That right there is a personal heater.

Ash: Shut it. I've got training to do today, c'mon..

Goh: Medicine won't cut it if the fever is really that bad. You'll needa rest as soon as possible. Pretty unlucky timing if you ask me, you've only got a day to recover.

Serena: Don't worry, I'll take care of him. He'll be fine by the end of the day.

Ash: Why are you all making such a big thing out of this? ACHOO!

Serena: That's exactly why! What would happen if you didn't recover and you weren't able to compete tomorrow? 

Pikachu: Pikaa...

Ash: But...sigh

Serena dragged him back to his room and almost shoved him into his bed before she went to the kitchen. Pikachu still sat on Ash's head and gave him sympathetic rubs on his head.

Serena: Here, I soaked this cloth in cold water so it should help your temperature go down.

She placed it carefully on his forehead, making him squirm.

Ash: Yikes! That's cold Serena!

Serena: That's the point dummy.

Ash: I'm well aware of that. ACHOO!

Ash made a reach for the cloth to take it off but Serena beat him to it and pressed it down even harder.

Ash: AH! Okay okay! I won't take it off!

Serena: Good. I'll go get some medicine for you. Leave the cloth on and don't move it. If you do, I'll know.

Ash nodded, slightly intimidated as she got up and headed to the kitchen.

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