Pokemon School#19 ~ Outbreak! A Confession To Be Made!

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A/N: 2.5k reads wtf where did time even go. thank you all!!

Ash: NO!

How did this happen? How did they get out? Was this Calem's plan all along?

Serena: Ash...it's okay.

Ash: How is it okay? These people are criminals and they got out. And what's worse, is that they were arrested here, they'll come back for revenge.

Serena: Don't worry, we'll get through this.

Goh: Yeah man, we're right by your side!

Katsu: That's right.

Ash looked as all his friends looked at him encouragingly.

Ash: You're right. We can do this.

Gary: You got it Ashy-Boy!

Ash: Stop calling me that!

Goh: So, the question is, is school out or not?

Ash: Who knows? If they come near Lumiose then the school will probably close most likely.

Drew: I'll try calling Professor Sycamore.

Drew rushed to his room to call Sycamore while the rest of them sat in the middle.

Dawn: Did they say which prison they broke out of?

Katsu: The prison they were sent to is on its own island. A few miles east of Kalos.

Dawn: So, what good would it do them to break out without a boat?

Katsu: I don't know, maybe they have Pokemon or something.

Goh: You guys have it all wrong. The news said they were broken out of prison. Which means someone came and rescued them.

Ash: Great.

May: That just means we have less time before they even arrive.

Shauna: Yeah, but nobody's just going to let them wander around. They're wanted criminals.

Serena: True, but that doesn't mean they don't have some sort of hiding place.

Ash: Yeah.

Drew: Alright, I'm back.

Gary: What did Sycamore say?

Drew: Well, he said that the police are patrolling enough around the city so we should be good.

May: I doubt it's enough.

Drew: Yeah same.

Ash: Look, let's focus on Team Flare when we have to. Right now, we've got school to worry about.

Gary: Yeah but-

Serena: I agree. We can worry about that later.

Dawn: Sure, just keep your Pokemon on you at all times.

They all agreed to this.

Miette: Good, now clear off so we can work.

Ash: Yeah yeah.

The boys reluctantly got up so the girls could work.

Ash: We're going to Route 1.

Serena: You're going to Route 1 after hearing a gang has broken out of jail?

Ash: Relax, there's five of us. We'll be fine.

Serena didn't look convinced, so Ash walked up to her and lifted her chin up.

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