Pokemon School#15 ~ Dusk To Dawn! A Perfect Night

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The group watched as a plane landed on the runway, Hoenn Airways.

Drew: That's May's plane!

Ash: You seem excited.

Gary: Yeah Drew, what's the deal with you and her? 

Drew: Nothing.

Gary: What do you think Katsu?

Katsu: He seems to like her.

Drew: No I don't! It's nothing! It's nothing! We are just friends and rivals ok!

Goh: Yeah yeah.

Drew: Shut up.

The group then headed to the waiting room for the passengers.

Ash: Oh man, my muscles are so stiff from today.

Gary: You don't have muscles. I do.

Goh: You look like a stick compared to him Gary.

Gary: You didn't see him before he left for Alola. I dunno what Marko made this guy do, but now all of a sudden he's stronger than me!

Drew: Nah, you guys should have seen him in Hoenn.

Ash: HEY! Keep...keep quiet about that. And I wasn't talking about muscle muscles from working out. I meant my muscles in my arm.

Drew: Whatever you say pal..

Katsu: Does this help Ash?

Katsu gripped Ash's arm, where it was stiff and gripped it for a second. Ash felt a shock of pain for a split second, then relief.

Ash: Woah...feels way better.

Katsu: Good.

Ash: Where'd you learn that?

Katsu: Picked it up, I did them on myself when I got stiff from training

Ash: Woah, can you teach me how to do it?

Katsu: Yeah sur-

Drew: MAY!!

Drew shouted extremely loud, the rest of the group were blown away. His shout invaded their eardrums. Despite having their eardrums completely destroyed, the group looked to where Drew was looking and saw a female trainer with white shoes, shorts, a red jacket, some gloves and a headband with auburn hair emerging from the end of it.

May: Hi Drew!

May walked to them and hugged Drew, and Ash was sure that for a second, Drew blushed.

Drew: Ahem. How was your flight here?

May: Yeah, it was good. Pretty boring. But I've heard that the region definitely isn't.

Ash: Sure isn't.

May: Hm?

May peeked her head over Drew and saw Ash, her longtime friend. She smiled. The two engaged in a friendly hug.

May: Ash! I didn't know you were here!

Ash: Well, I am. Kalos's been my home for about...2 years. But I only lived here for one.

May: You need to keep me updated on these things Ash!

Ash: Ehheheh...I've been a bit busy. Anyways, time for introductions!

Goh: My name's Goh! I'm a Pokemon Researcher!

Gary: Name's Gary, but you probably already know that! I'm famous.

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