Pokemon School#9 ~ How To Apologize

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It's a beautiful Friday morning and we join Ash in his dorm as he prepares to wake up...or so we think.

Katsu: Ash. Wake up.

Ash: I'm too tired.

Katsu: Wake up right now or else I'll make Zeraora use Plasma Fist on you.

Ash: ...

Katsu: Pikachu, little help please?

Pikachu: Pika!

And here came Pikachu's favorite time of the day. Giving Ash a gentle reminder that it was time to wake up. With the approval from Katsu, Pikachu leapt up and let out a huge thunderbolt landing directly on Ash's face.


Katsu: Thanks Pikachu. Ash, get ready. We have school and I have a battle.

Ash: Oh man. Fine. Where are Goh and Gary?

Katsu: They already left. Meet you in the hall.

Katsu left so Ash got up and started getting ready. Thanks to Katsu waking him up early, he could take his time. He finished off with the cap on his head and Pikachu on his shoulder and ran to the hall.

Sycamore: And lastly, someone has challenged our school champion! Gary Oak, Katsu Shizukana. Please report to the dugouts in the battlefield while the rest of the school head to the stands.

Ash saw Katsu and Gary walking to the doors that lead to the dugout while the rest of the school headed to the stands. Ash located Goh and the two of them headed to the stands together and took a seat.

*Down in the battlefield*

Gary: Heard some good things about you. Been practicing.

Katsu: Good to know.

Gary: What! You need to put more effort man. Give the crowd some pizzazz!

Katsu: Sure.

Gary: First things first! Nidoking, time to go!


Katsu: Glalie, time to battle.


Referee: This will be a 3 on 3 Pokemon battle, substitutes are allowed. The battle will end when one side's Pokemon can no longer continue. Battle begin! (im too lazy for 6on6)

Gary: Alright Nidoking, kick things off with Earthquake!

Nidoking: Nido!

Katsu: Glalie, Frost Breath.

Glalie: Glai..

Nidoking stomped on the ground with exceptional power. Everyone looked at Glalie. It looked completely fine.

 Glalie used Frost Breath which sent a freezing vapor through the air and in the stadium. You could hear the chills of every student watching as they felt Glalies Frost breath. When the mist lifted, everyone was shocked. Nidoking had fainted.

Referee: Nidoking can no longer continue! Match One goes to Katsu!

Gary: .....Nidoking, return.

Katsu: Glalie, return.

Gary: Alright then, Umbreon! Time to come out!


Katsu: Hone your claws Zeraora.


Gary: Quickly, use Shadow ball!

Katsu: Counter it with Close Combat.

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