Pokemon School#10 ~ Plans Uncovered & Truth Discovered!

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It is the first day of break and Ash, Gary, Goh and Katsu are taking a quick lunch break before heading out to battle Wulfric.

Gary: So how far is Snowbelle City from Lumiose?

Ash: 2 hours on foot.

Gary: What! I can't walk that far! I'll get cramps.

Katsu: That's why we aren't walking.

Goh: Then how will we get there..?

Ash: Flying.

Gary: Oh okay then. 

Goh: I don't have a flying Pokemon on me.

Katsu: Then ride with one of us.

Ash: Alright, I'm done eating. 

Katsu: Same here.

Gary: Then let's go!

The four boys made their way outside of their dorm and went to Route 1 to send out their flying Pokemon.

Ash: Charizard, come out!

Gary: Pidgeot, let's go!

Katsu: Corviknight come on!

Goh: Wow...

Katsu had chosen a shiny Corviknight as his flying Pokemon.

Ash: Woah, that's a nice Corviknight.

Gary: Yeah obviously because it is a shiny!

Ash: I know that much, idiot.

Katsu: Are we going or not?

Goh: Who do I ride with?

Gary: You can ride with me, now let's go!

Katsu: Wait.

Gary: What?

Katsu: Aren't the girls supposed to be coming today?

They all facepalmed, the girls left their stuff in Ash, Gary and Goh's dorm so they could come back later.

Gary: Oh yeah. I'll just text them saying that we're going to Snowbelle. Easy.

Katsu: Whatever you say.

The four of them took off and headed south-east from Lumiose to Snowbelle. It took around 35 minutes to get there, even with flying types. They finally reached Snowbelle City.

Gary: Got a text. The girls said to be back in time for the fireworks tonight. Man it's cold here.

Ash: Well duh, it's Snowbelle. 

Gary: I said that to start conversation idiot!

Ash: Yeah yeah, just shut up.

Gary: Watch it Ashy-Boy.

Ash: Well since Pikachu isn't here..Charizard?

Charizard: Char!

Gary: Oh no....

Charizard uses a massive flamethrower on Gary, to which Goh, Katsu and Ash warm their hands with.

Gary: I deserved that...

Ash: Couldn't agree more.

Katsu: Well now that we are in Snowbelle we have to get proper clothing or we'll freeze to death in the gym since the gym is a lot colder than out here.

Gary: Wow. That's just rude.

Goh: Let's hurry up then.

Ash: Come on!

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