Pokemon School#2 ~ Resonance

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We are at Alola with Ash as he does an intensive training involving stopping a boulder with his hands. He's been at it for hours.

Marko: Come on kid! Put your back into it!

Ash: How the hell am I supposed to do this?!

Marko: Knees bent! Lower center of gravity! Here it comes again!

Ash watched as the boulder came charging down the hill as he got into a ready stance. He was able to lift a boulder like Marko after weeks of training so now he's training to stop boulders.

Ash: Come on I've got this.

Pikachu: Pi Pikachu!

When the boulder was a few feet away from Ash, his eyes glowed a noticeable auburn brown for a split second then faded. Ash sidestepped the boulder but this time Marko caught it and stopped it from moving.

Marko: Kid, did you see that?

Ash: See what?

Marko: Nevermind then. Your aura's getting stronger, I can see it improving.

Ash: Man all this aura training makes me hungry.

Marko: Are you seriously hungry at a time like this?

Ash: I can't control it I'm sorry.

Marko: sigh Let's go for a break then. We'll get pancakes from Nina's shop.

Ash: Alright! Come on Pikachu!

Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder and Marko and Ash left for the pancake shop. Soon after, they reached it and went inside.

Marko: I'll have one strawberry cascade and one soda

Ash: I'll have three chocolate charges, a box of churros, one milkshake and a soda.

Alolan Raichu: Rai Rai!

The Raichu zoomed off.

Marko: Ash, I knew you were hungry but I didn't think you were that hungry.

Ash: What do you mean? This isn't as much as I normally get. You could say I'm on a diet.

Marko: Normally get..? And how much does that cost Ash?

Ash: Uh...I don't know.

Marko: Well the less I know the better.

Pikachu: Pika pikachu!

Pikachu was pointing at a table where Kukui, Lillie and Hau were sitting.

Ash: Hau! Lillie! Professor Kukui!

Hau: Hi Ash! What are you doing here? They're here because-

Lillie: We're here because you practically begged us to come here since you're scared of going anywhere alone.

Everyone chucked at Lillie's remark ash she folded her arms and looked away from Hau while he scratched his head.

Kukui: We've been working on your Rotom Dex. It's complete so we're giving it to you tomorrow!

Ash: That's great to hear! I'm taking a break from training. You won't believe the kind of stuff Marko makes me do.

Marko: Did I hear my name?

Ash: Uh, I was just telling them how helpful your trainings are, yeah!

Marko: You're a bad liar Ash.

Ash: Damnit, I thought that was convincing enough.

Kukui: So what kind of stuff do you guys do?

Pokemon School 2 (Amourshipping)Where stories live. Discover now