Pokemon School#30 ~ It's not over yet!

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A/N: happy holidays everyone. i hope youre having a great time. sorry but this is yet again another filler. 

Round 1 and Round 2: 2 Pokemon

Semi-Finals: 3 Pokemon

Finals: 6 Pokemon

unrelated, did you guys see that world cup final? SO DRAMATIC I LOVED IT! was such a close match, i was supporting argentina from the beginning! 

anyways, here comes chapter 30! please make sure you vote, comment and follow! 


Commentator: Straight into the third match we'll go! It's Goh vs Hau!

Ash: Awesome! I can't wait for this battle!

Gary: Let's see how good Goh really is!

Ash: Oh man, I have no idea who to cheer on...

Dawn: Just cheer both of them on!

Ash: HUH? You can do that?

Drew burst out laughing as Dawn facepalmed. Ash raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Dawn: Duh!

Drew: It's not like there's any rules on cheering people on.

Ash: Oh yeah you're right..

Gary: Haha! You are one hell of a fool Ashy-Boy.

Ash: Ugh! Pikachu, you know what to do!

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu leaped off Ash's shoulder and shocked Gary, sending him to the ground.

Gary: If I had a penny for everytime you shocked me, I'd own Sycamore High

Ash: I don't think Pikachu's shocked you enough for that...

Drew: Either that or Sycamore's desperate to sell it off...

Gary: Oh whatever! 


Commentator: Here we go then! The third match is now kicking off! And this one's sure to be an exciting one! It's Goh from Kanto against Hau from Alola!

The crowd roared in delight as the two trainers stood in the dugouts.

Referee: This will be a two on two battle. You may substitute at any time. Are the rules clear?

Goh: Yeah!

Hau: For sure!

Referee: Alright. Competitors, please send out your first Pokemon!

Hau: Raichu! Let's go!

Hau threw his Pokeball out onto the field, and out came the Electric Mouse Pokemon.

Goh: It doesn't look like a regular Raichu...Oh right! That's an Alolan Raichu!

Goh grinned and threw out a Pokeball onto the field.

Goh: Scizor! Come on out!

The Pincer Pokemon emerged from its Pokeball and onto the field, ready to fight.

Referee: Alright! Battle begin!

Hau: Alright Raichu! Quick Attack, let's go!

Raichu glowed white and flew towards Scizor, the Pokemon collided and Scizor was sent flying back.

Goh: Counter with Metal Claw!

Scizors claws glowed white as it leaped towards its opponent and smashed its claws into Raichu's jaw.

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