Pokemon School#16 ~ Team Flare Appears! Calem Strikes!

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A/N: already 16 chapters in, I'm proud. Tuck in, this is a hella long chapter. 4000+ words.

The moonlight is shining down onto a dark street in Lumiose. Other than that, there was no other source of light. A shadow of a figure is seen turning onto that street, wearing a jacket with the hood up so their face is not visible. Another figure is seen emerging from the darkness within the street.

???: They're recovering from that night. I'm gonna attack them again.

???: Are you serious Calem? Lumiose went into citywide panic because of you.

Calem: Hah! You make it sound like a bad thing. And you know you can't tell anyone about this.

???: And out of curiosity, what's stopping me?

Calem: Because if you do, they will come for you. I'm the only reason you're alive right now.

???: And I'm starting to think death is a better fate, because if you get caught, I'm as good as. And that's all because I'm associated with your stupid schemes.

Calem: That's why I wear a mask idiot. You of all people should know, Reggie.

Reggie: Fine, just so you know, you'll get caught. Sooner or later. What about Ash Ketchum?

Calem: ASH KETCHUM IS NOTHING! He's got no idea what's coming to him, especially his meddling little friend, Gary. Team Flare is coming for them!

Reggie: Whatever. Leave me out of it.

Reggie walks off, leaving Calem in the street.


At Sycamore High

???: Ash, get up!

Ash: Can't....too tired....

???: Come on Ash!

Ash: 5 more minutes...

Ash suddenly felt a pair of lips press against his. His eyes burst open to see Serena standing over him, smiling.

Ash: AAAH! Serena!

Serena: Wake up sleepyhead, we're all having breakfast soon.

Ash pulled the sheets to his chin.

Ash: Serena I don't have a shirt on!

Serena blushed at this.

Serena: Then put one on.

Ash: Wha-But you're in here!

Serena: So?

Ash: You....Fine.

Ash got up and headed to his wardrobe, looking for a shirt to put on. Serena however, was staring at him. His body was definitely more toned than she was aware of. Ash pulled a plain grey shirt from his wardrobe.

Ash: How's this-...err...Serena?

Serena: Hm? Oh! Th-that's fine.

Ash smirked.

Ash: Getting a good look in huh?

Serena: Well....you do have a good body.

Ash: You weren't supposed to accept it!

Serena: Ah well. Just put a shirt on and come join us outside.

Ash put his shirt on and joined everyone outside. He saw them sitting at the centre, all looking at him with a knowing look.

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