Pokemon School#8 ~ Illusion And Apparition

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It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The lockdown has lifted and the gang is now relaxing in the battlefield, watching Gary and Ash finish up a battle.

Goh: Blastoise is unable to continue so Greninja wins!

Gary: Aw man...good job Blastoise.

Ash: Thanks Greninja!

Gary: That Greninja sure is something else.

Ash: Well, we trained hard for a reason.

Ash and Gary walk over to the bench where everyone is sitting and take a seat.

Serena: Nice battling out there Ash!

Ash: Yeah, thanks!

Gary: What! No nice battling for me! You get all the luck Ashy-Boy.

Shauna: You did great too Gary!

Gary: Haha, thanks...

The group chatted and laughed together as they were completely oblivious to someone behind them, watching from the distance.

Calem: How did they manage to become friends again? I can't let this happen. Serena's mine.

Calem pulled out a Pokeball and out came a Malamar.

Calem: We've got work to do...

Time skip to later in the day, during classes

Serena: And that's how Kalos has become exceptionally well with technology!

The class clapped. Ash and Serena had just displayed their presentation.

Professor Juniper: Great work Ash and Serena, it's clear who's getting top marks.

Ash: Hehe, thanks Professor.

Professor Juniper: Alright then, you two go sit down while the other groups get on.

As the other groups were presenting, Ash stared outside the window at the ocean.

*Ash's POV*

Wow, todays such a great day. It's not too hot or cold. It's not too sunny or cloudy. And the ocean...it's so beautiful. You could notice the ocean blue so much. They kind of look like Serena's eyes...wait, no I didn't mean to think that.

Serena: Ash snap out of it!

Ash was awoken by Serena who was inches away from his face staring at him in concern.

Ash: Oh

Serena: Gosh, you need to stop daydreaming.

Ash: I don't daydream...was just testing you.

Ash leaned back on his chair and used his arms as a headrest.

*Serena's POV*

He looks funny every time he leans back, as if to show off his heavenly muscles....I mean arms. At this point, Ash was always daydreaming left and right. It almost became a habit of me to say "Did you get that?" to him everytime I'm done talking to him. 

Ash: Oh come on Serena. It seems that everything that I do, you do the same after lecturing me for doing it.

Serena: What..?

Ash: Finally. Thought you'd never move again.

Serena: Very funny Ash.

Ash: I'm not wrong, am I?

Serena: Well...

Ash: Got you there.

The class flew by from then on, and Ash and Serena separated for different classes. Serena went to Pokemon Grooming and Ash went to Pokemon Training with Gary.

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