Pokemon School#18 ~ Back To School! Paul Returns!

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A/N: forgot to mention, in their dorms, there's another bathroom in the girls area because yes.

It is a sunny Thursday morning as the group are all sound asleep. Everything is peaceful and quiet in the school until...




Multiple alarms go off for the start of the school term and the quiet is sent right out the window, Ash Ketchum is waking up to his right now.


Ash: Shut up...so annoying.


Ash: Let me sleep! Why did break have to go by so fast...


Ash: Okay! I'll wake up...you didn't have to shout..

Ash gets up and stretches, smacking his alarm off. He walks outside of his room with a blanket around him and sees Gary, Goh, Drew, and Katsu all walking out, tired with blankets wrapped around them too.

Ash: Morning...

Gary: It's way too early for this...

Goh: Yeah...

Drew: I've had Contests earlier than this and it still seems more tiring.

Goh: Yeah...let's go get breakfast.

They all went outside and saw the girls, sitting at the kitchen, all with shadows underneath their eyes.

Dawn: M...m...morning. Yawn

Katsu: Morning...

May: How was your guys' sleep...?

Ash: Terrible. I think that speaks for everyone...

All the boys nodded and took a seat at the centre. Katsu went out like a light and Drew fell asleep before he could even reach the couch. Goh, Gary, and Ash were the only ones sitting down, trying to keep their eyes open. Eventually Ash failed and rested on the table.

Shauna: Serena...breakfast please.

Serena: I know. Give me a second.

Serena splashed some cold water on her face to wake her up. She then got to work and started to make a sugary breakfast for them all.

Miette: You're my saviour Serena...

Serena: It'd do you a whole lot of good if you started eating so you don't fall asleep in class. To all of you.

Serena looked at scene around her. Ash was slumped over on the table in the centre, Katsu was sleeping on the couch, Drew was on the ground, sleeping, Goh and Gary were sitting down, staring into nothing, Dawn was sleeping on the countertop, May was dozing off on her stool, Shauna was resting her head on the countertop while trying to stay awake and Miette was lying lown and taking two stools.

Serena: This won't do. Here's your breakfast everyone.


After Breakfast

Gary: Oh man! I feel 10 times better!

Dawn: Yeah! Serena's breakfast plus that shower energized me tons!

Drew: My head hurts...and everywhere else in my body.

Ash: You were literally sleeping on the ground. My back hurts.

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