Pokemon School#11 ~ Recovery From The Past?

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The second day of break arrives and we are with Ash and Katsu as they are walking around Route 1 talking. Gary and Goh are battling in the battlefield and the girls are somewhere else.

Katsu: So, you guys are on...somewhat good terms now? That's something good to hear.

Ash: Yeah thanks. Your help was something that I really needed.

Katsu: Don't worry about it. 

Ash: Speaking of which...

Katsu: Hm?

Ash: Which girl are you trying to land?

Katsu: ...Are you serious?

Ash: Of course I am, don't you want a girlfriend?

Katsu: Maybe...let's just move on from this topic now.

Ash: Oho I'll get you a girlfriend...

Katsu: How does the Sycamore High tournament work?

Ash: There's the preliminary selection to limit up to 16 competitors. Then there's the first round where all 16 vs one another. After that it's round 2 where the remaining 8 face off. Then it's the semi-finals and then the finals.

Katsu: I could land a spot in there. I want to keep my position as school champion.

Ash: Gary's gonna be working hard to get his title back, so you better be ready. 

Katsu: I'm ready enough for Gary. It's probably you and Calem that are the only threats to me right now.

Ash: How is Calem a threat?

Katsu: Calem seems like someone who would do anything to get his way. And as I've seen from what he did to Serena, he could do the same in a Pokemon Battle.

Ash: That's true. But what do you think he'll do nowadays? When he doesn't even have Serena with him?

Katsu: I'd say that he's probably still trying to get her. He won't stop just like that. He's resilient. So you'd better be careful Ash. You and Serena.

Ash: Got it. Let's head back. I've got to explain to Gary and Goh.

Katsu: Alright then.

The two of them headed to the dorm. By now, the boy's dorm was becoming the main meeting place for the group.

Ash: Now we just gotta wait for everyo-


Katsu: That was quick.

Ash opened the door and Hau came in.

Ash: Hau?

Hau: Hi Ash...I'm hungry.

Ash: What happened..?

Hau: No food....

Ash: I gathered that much.

Hau: Oh yeah...Sycamore wants to see you later..so hungry.....

Ash: Yeah okay

Katsu: Don't they have food at the cafeteria..?

Hau: Oh yeah good thinking!

Hau, completely ignoring Ash suddenly had a burst of energy and shot out the door in the direction of the Cafeteria.

Katsu: That was weird.

Ash: That's Hau alright

Katsu: He seems interesting.

Ash: Oh yeah he definitely is.

Katsu: What's taking everyone?

Ash: Let's just wait for them.

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