Pokemon School#26 ~ Wet and Wild Battle in the Woods!

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this is a bit awkward isn't it? it's been a good while, I hope you're all still well and still reading. over the time I spent away from Wattpad, I was focusing on improving myself (got dumped) and looking to really improve my lifestyle. 

i wouldn't say it worked 100 percent but it's good enough for me to come back and start writing again :)

i've also recently been working with CJ360X7 on some other stuff. great author by the way, go check him out!

Without further ado, I present to you the 26th Chapter of Pokemon School 2.



Ash: That's not how the game works.

Gary: Says who?

Goh: The rulebook, stupid.

Gary: Who needs a rulebook for a game of Go Magikarp though?

Katsu: He's got a point.

Ash: Hmm...

Drew: You're not really trying to figure out why you would need one...right?

Ash: Oh, no of course not. That would be silly, hehe.

Katsu: I cant believe I'm saying this, but I miss my classes.

Gary: You're telling me you miss class? Are you a nerd or what?

Katsu: Yeah okay, remind me who's school champion again?

Gary: Sorry.

Goh: Katsu's right. There's no point in Sycamore relieving us of our class cause of the tournament. Not sure why Drew's here though...

Drew's eyes widened in terror as the realization kicked in. Quick as a flash he leaped off the couch and grabbed his bag.

Drew: D'you think Professor Juniper will notice if I snuck back in?

Ash: Uh, yes. We most certainly think she will.

Drew facepalmed himself and left the dorm, muttering curses and something along the lines of 'Gary and his Go Magikarp'.

Goh: Right, what was I saying again?

Katsu: Mmmm...oh yeah, the classes.

Goh: Oh right, well it doesn't make sense since we're able to train in our free time anyway.

Gary: For the love of Arceus, if you want your classes back so badly why don't you just go tell Sycamore? I'm good with what's happening.

Goh: You're good with anything not involving studies...

Gary: Shut it.

Ash: Don't get so pressed over it, honestly I'm happy now I've got two whole days to train up. Not that I'd need it.

Katsu: You can never be too prepared. Calem's strong.

Gary: Oh please, you kicked his butt all the way to Kanto when you vsed him in Snowbelle City.

Katsu sweatdropped, recalling the moments.

Katsu: Well not exac-

Ash: Oh right, he looked like he'd swallowed 10 lemons in one go after he lost.

Katsu: Okay! I get it! Just lemme finish. Anyways, there's no good in underestimating Calem. We all know what he's capable of.

Gary: What's he gonna do, send his Team Flare mates to steal our homework?

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