Pokemon School#28 ~ Here we go again! Ash Vs Calem!

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A/N: alright, here we go. battle time. the way this will work is:

Round 1 and Round 2: 2 Pokemon

Semi-Finals: 3 Pokemon

Finals: 6 Pokemon

chapter 28, incoming. dont forget to vote, comment and follow!


Months of rumor and speculation finally come to an end today! The Sycamore High tournament is officially kicking off today, and Ash will have to face Calem for the first round. Let's check in on the boys..

Ash: Alright IRON TAIL!

Pikachu: Pika!

Gary: Knock it off then use Hydro Pump!

Blastoise: Blast!

Pikachu's tail glowed a bright white as he aimed for Blastoises head. Instead, he was blocked and sent flying back.

Ash: Now Electro-Web!

Pikachu: Pika-CHU!

Pikachu leapt into the air and fired an Electroweb at Blastoise, trapping the water inside the web. Blastoise, now soaked was electrified and collapsed. 

Gary: Oh crap, we gotta work on that speed. Great job Blastoise. 

Ash: Whew! Nice job Pikachu. Here, take an Oran Berry.

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu ran over and took the Oran Berry in his hands and munched away. Ash petted him on the head.

Katsu: So what lineup are you guys using for your matches?

Ash: Can't tell you guys! You're my future opponents, unless y'know you all lose.

Ash and Pikachu burst out laughing as the other guys sweatdropped, watching the duo completely lose it.

Gary: Shut up Ashy-Boy! The real question is what's Calem gonna use?

Ash: Hey!

Katsu: If I recall correctly he did have a Chesnaught, but I don't know the rest of his lineup.

Goh: Well, what about you Katsu? What are you gonna use?

Katsu: Secret.

Gary: What?! Come on, let us know!

Katsu: You'll have to find out later in the tournament. 

Gary flung his head back in disappointment. He really wanted to know Katsu's strategy.

Gary: Bo-ring! 

Goh: He's got a point. 

Ash: Well, we're gonna win no matter what. Right Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Ash stands up and stares to the sky. The sun was just rising, the guys had been up since 5am training and strategizing.

Gary: Well, we've done all we can. Shall we head back to the dorms and get some sleep?

Goh: Yeah, we needa rest up. It's starting at 11 so we got about...4-5 hours?

Ash: I don't even know if I can sleep! I'm way too hyped.

Gary: Yeah we expected you to say something like that Ashy-Boy.

Gary shakes his head and Ash sweatdrops. They all go to head to the dorms until someone calls out to them.

???: HEY!

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