Pokemon School#35 ~ All For Her!

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Round 1 and Round 2: 2 Pokemon

Semi-Finals: 3 Pokemon

Finals: 6 Pokemon

A/N: Please make sure to vote and comment your thoughts!


The students now walked towards their dorms, buzzing with excitement about the matches. Our competitors, Dawn, Gary, Katsu and Ash are amongst them.

Gary: Ashy-Boy! Make sure you don't lose to Trevor, you've got me to meet in the finals!

Ash: C'mon, who do you take me for? I don't know the definition of the word 'lose'.

Ash grinned while the other three sweatdropped.

Dawn: You realise how that could be interpreted, right?

Ash: Come on guys! I'm not that dumb anymore...

Katsu: Anymore?

Gary: See, Ash used to be a pretty stupid guy back when he first started his Pokemon Journey.

Dawn nodded in agreement as Ash scratched his nose in embarrassment.

Dawn: He was pretty clueless during our journey in Sinnoh, and it got us into trouble almost constantly.

Katsu: What changed?

Ash: You know we attend a school right? Obviously I'd get smarter, and I went to school in Alola too.

Dawn: From what I heard, you were still pretty silly until you went to Alola.

Gary: You heard right, it was like speaking to a tree all year.

Ash: Funny, I'm speaking to one right now. Ain't that right Oak?

Gary headlocked Ash as Dawn giggled to herself.

Gary: Shut it Ashton!

Ash: Pika-Oh dang it! He's back in the dorm!

Gary: A-anyway, as I was saying. It was very difficult to get anything to his hollow head, which is why Serena struggled so much to try get him to notice her.

Ash: Oh shut up, you hit it off with Shauna and then Lillie after that!

Gary went silent before looking away.

Gary: Enough about them.

Dawn: Oh?

Gary: Uhm well, I'm gunna hit the sheets. Got a big battle tomorrow, smell ya later!

Gary left immediately running to the dorm just around the corner. The three remaining watched in confusion.

Katsu: What's up with him?

Ash: I dunno, maybe I went a little too far there...

Dawn: Maybe. He's probably fine though knowing him!

They nodded in agreement before heading into the dorm and to their rooms. It was a long day tomorrow. Two quarter final matches would take place tomorrow, and the following two the day after.

Gary lay down in his bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank face.

Gary: Maybe it'd be a good idea...

His Umbreon looked up to his trainer, wondering what he was talking about.

Gary: ...to stop running away.

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