Pokemon School#29 ~ No holding back! Full Power!

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A/N: another chapter for you guys (since last one would have been a bit too long)

Round 1 and Round 2: 2 Pokemon

Semi-Finals: 3 Pokemon

Finals: 6 Pokemon

chapter 29 heading your way! don't forget to vote, comment and follow! enjoy!


Sceptile: Tile?

Ash: W-What?!

Pikachu: Pika?!

Standing in the stadium and fighting for Calem, was the Legendary Pokemon Zygarde (50%).

---(In the stands)---


Goh: That's crazy! He seriously brought a Zygarde to the tournament?

Katsu: I'd be more worried about Ash to be honest.

May: You're right, didn't he tell us how he was no match for Zygarde?

Drew: No chance, Ash has got this in the bag...right?

Dawn: Yeah, that's the spirit! Sceptile's beaten a legendary before, he'll do it again!

Serena: Oh Ash...


Ash: Zygarde?

Calem: What's wrong Ash?! Ready to give up yet?!

Calem had a smug grin, looking as though he had won the match already. Ash however, swung his cap backwards and grinned.

Ash: It's not over yet! We've still got the advantage! Sceptile, Leaf Storm!

Sceptile turned around and fired a powerful Leaf Storm, hitting Zygarde.

Calem: Hah! Dragon Pulse!

Zygarde moved it's head into the sky as purple energy formed at its mouth. As it lowered its head, the energy shot straight towards Sceptile.

Ash: Quick Attack to dodge! Then use Leaf Blade!

Sceptile's body glowed white as it rushed out of the way, the blades on its arm then glowed bright as it dashed towards Zygarde.

Calem: Use Crunch and stop it in its tracks!

Zygarde used Crunch to stop Sceptile from hitting it. Sceptile was trapped in pain.

Ash: Crap! Sceptile! Leaf Storm!

Sceptile fired a Leaf Storm towards Zygarde, releasing it from its grip.

Ash: Nice! Now Frenzy Plant!

Sceptile's claws glowed white as it slammed them down into the ground. Big roots emerged from the ground and wrapped themselves around Zygarde, getting some decent damage in.

Calem: Finish it off with Bulldoze.

The ground started shaking violently as Sceptile looked towards Ash for a command.

Ash: Get out of there!

It was too late, as Sceptile was sent flying back towards its trainer. Sceptile tried desperately to stand up but collapsed.

Referee: Sceptile is unable to battle! Match 2 goes to Calem!

The crowd cheered as Ash returned Sceptile. 

Commentator: Things are really heating up now! We're entering the tiebreaker of the first round! Who's gonna come out on top? We'll have to wait and see!

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