Pokemon School#33 ~ Rising Tides & Fading Shadows

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The sun rose upon Lumiose City, bringing a dawn of a new day upon the gang in Sycamore High. Three in particular are around the training fields early in the morning.

Katsu: Nice! One more Corviknight, then we'll rest.

The shiny bird Pokemon did one more steel beam before collapsing on the floor from exhaustion. Katsu walked over and petted its head.

Katsu: Thanks a lot. I'm glad you're willing to go this far to help out.

Ash: Corviknight's looking good Katsu! I think he can put up a strong fight in your rematch.

Gary: He's right you know! Looking strong enough for that match against Sceptile.

Katsu: We'll get our get-back. Not only on Shota but on Alain too.

Ash: Is there any updates...? On Zeraora?

Katsu gave a small, sad smile and stood back up, shaking his head.

Katsu: No, nothing. But even though Zeraora is my partner, I still have Corviknight and I intend to win this match with him.

Gary: Y'know, we might not know much but I reckon we could show you some tips?

Ash: Yeah you're right! Maybe something like combos and stuff like that!

Katsu: You think so? It might help actually, since Corviknight and I do need some more experience with fighting together.

Ash grinned and nodded. The two of them spent an hour providing useful information to Katsu. Ash demonstrated his battle techniques with Pikachu while Gary provided insight on the different strategies that he uses with Umbreon and Blastoise.

"You're both destined for great things. The two of you will accomplish something this world's never seen, I just know it."

Urged on by the words of his grandfather, Katsu and Corviknight trained relentlessly. Their bond had grown by leaps and bounds by the end of the morning, as they were feeling more pumped than ever to win their match against Shota.

Ash: Umbreon is unable to battle! Corviknight wins!

Gary: Well done Umbreon, you did your best. Well, that's as far as we can take you Katsu.

Ash nodded in agreement.

Ash: The rest is with you and Corviknight. Just trust each other! You'll get through it!

Katsu: You're right, this is a battle for Corviknight, but also for myself as well.

Corviknight lowered himself down to Katsu's eye level. Katsu sighed.

Katsu: Oh who am I kidding, we've got this in the bag.

The trainer and Pokemon share a hug, both beaming with confidence.

Time Skip

Back in the dorm, Goh, Serena and Dawn were all sitting in the middle in the middle of a discussion.

Goh: I don't know about you guys, but I feel pretty bad about the whole Zeraora thing.

Serena: I feel the same, I really hope Zeraora is alright.

Dawn: Well, how about we go look for him? I think if we find him we can cheer Katsu up too.

Goh: Well, I don't mind but we'd probably miss Iris and Alain's match.

Serena: That's fine, we can always watch the replay.

Dawn: Right! But where do we start?

The three of them sat in silence for a couple moments before Goh spoke up.

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