Pokemon School#32 ~ Head to head! Back to square one!

153 7 3

Round 1 and Round 2: 2 Pokemon

Semi-Finals: 3 Pokemon

Finals: 6 Pokemon



"Glalie has fainted! Sceptile takes the second match! What a comeback!"

Rumbles echoed across the stadium, blending in with the cheering of the crowd. A red beam shot out towards the fainted Pokemon, as it returned back to its trainer.

Commentator: Wow! What a powerful move from Shota's Sceptile to knock out Glalie! It's put Katsu on the back foot! Is this the end for our champion? He's still got one more Pokemon to fight with! It's 1-1 as it stands right now!

Shota: Nice one Sceptile! Our training is paying off!

Sceptile let out a proud roar as the two partners high fived. On the other side of the field, Katsu was examining one of his Pokeballs.

Katsu: Well, we're under pressure. Now's your chance Zeraora.

Katsu threw out his Pokeball onto the field. It flung open, but nothing came out. The crowd gasped as the Pokeball fell to the ground. Shota stood there, stunned.

Katsu: Um, it's probably just the wrong Pokeball. My bad.

Katsu nervously picked up the empty Pokeball and flung out another one. Empty. Another one. Empty too. It became clear that Zeraora had disappeared.

Katsu: But...where'd he go?

Commentator: Unbelievable! Katsu is trying to send out a Pokemon, but the Pokeballs he sends out are all empty! Did he perhaps forget one of them? Or is this a different case?

Katsu: Uhm, I don't know where he is.

Referee: Do you have any other Pokemon that can fight?

Katsu looked down.

Katsu: Well...

One of the Pokeballs on his belt started shaking violently. It popped open by itself, and out came a shiny Corviknight. It cried out, filling the sky. The crowd gasped in awe.

Katsu: Well, I do have you. But we haven't fought as much together.

Corviknight looked him in the eye and nodded. Gesturing that it wanted to fight.

Katsu: Wel...alright then. It's up to you to bring it home!

The boy grinned at his Pokemon as it turned around to face its opponent.

"Battle begin!"

Commentator: Well this is interesting, Katsu has sent out his shiny Corviknight to fight! It must know its way around a battle, considering this is his only chance to equal the score!

Katsu stiffened slightly at the commentators comment, but shook it off as he noticed Corviknight fighting.


Katsu: Are you sure about this grandpa?

Katsu's Grandpa: Of course I am! You don't trust me?

Katsu: I didn't say that! 

Katsu's Grandpa: Well just watch and learn.

Katsu's grandpa chucked a Pokeball at the little Pokemon in the tree. It fell to the ground, shaking two times before the Pidgey escaped. Katsu's grandpa sighed, while younger Katsu started laughing.

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