Pokemon School#23 ~ Detective Dawn! Katsu's Secret Weapon!

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A/N: omg 12 followers + 3.4k reads, you guys are awesome! : )

As you may know, Ash and Serena are on their vacation in the Alola region and they're having a great time. But, what is happening back at Sycamore High? Let's check in on them.


Gary: Come here Goh!

Drew: Oh Arceus, Gary stop.

Gary: Aww come on it's just a little...actually what even is this?

Dawn: Doesn't matter, just get it out of here!

Gary had found a small white bug Pokemon out of their dorm and decided to chase Goh with it. However they had no idea what it was.

Gary: I'll scan it, one second.

Pokedex: Error! Unable to scan Pokemon

Gary: So it's undiscovered...that means I GET TO NAME IT!

Shauna: It said it couldn't scan, not that it hadn't been discovered!

Goh: Stupid Gary. You can only give it a nickname, and that's only if it's yours. You can't get everyone else to call it 'Cool Gary' even if you tried.

Gary: Whatever.

Goh: Well since the Pokedex can't scan it, maybe Cerise will know. I'll call him right now.

Goh dials a number and calls Professor Cerise, a few moments later, his face shows up on the screen.

Cerise: Goh! How are you?

Goh: Hey Professor Cerise, I'm doing good.

Cerise: Do you need something?

Goh: Yeah, do you know what this Pokemon is? Our Pokedex doesn't seem to be able to scan it.

Goh turned the phone to the Pokemon and Cerise rubs his chin.

Cerise: Fairly sure I've seen this Pokemon before. If I'm not mistaken, this is a Snom from the Galar region.

Goh: The Galar Region? What's it doing here then?

Cerise: That, I can't answer.

Goh: Oh, alright then. Bye Professor.

Cerise: Goodbye.

Goh hung up and stared at the Snom.

Goh: What is this thing? Well I'm about to find out, cause I'm going to catch it!

Goh grabbed a Pokeball out of nowhere, shocking everyone.

May: Where did you get that from?

Goh: I always have at least 100 Pokeballs on me at all times. Anyways, Pokeball GO!

They all sweatdropped as Goh flung the Pokeball at Snom, and watched in confusion as it whacked it back to his hand.

Goh: Uhm...

Snom: Snom!

Shauna: What...

Gary: How do we get this thing out of here?

Miette: You're the one who brought it in, you should be the one to bring it out.

Dawn: That's right!

Gary: Uhhh...

Katsu then crouches down and prods it. This was a very big mistake.

Snom: SNOM!

Katsu flinched back as Snom started using Blizzard. In the dorm.

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