Pokemon School#7 ~ A Notable Night And Day

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It is a Friday at the Pokemon school, and we join Ash, Gary and Goh at their lunch break at the cafeteria talking.

Gary: Man...the line was so long. Lunch is gonna end any second now.

Ash: I know right, I gotta eat all this food quickly now.

Goh: 20 bucks says he finishes it inside of 3 minutes.

Gary: You're on!

Ash: Why me...

Time skip about 3 minutes

Goh: So where's my money?

Gary: Fine, here.

Gary handed Goh a 20 dollar note.

Goh: Thank you very much.

Gary: Shut up...Whatchu got next?

Ash: Geography...

Goh: Pokemon Grooming.

Gary: Really? That's pretty lame, I've got Pokemon Science.

Ash: Guess we gotta split up. What do you guys have after?

Gary: Free Period.

Goh: Same here.

Ash: Same with me.

Gary: Let's meet at our dorm after our lessons 'kay?

Ash: Sure.

Goh: See ya guys!

Gary: Smell ya later!

Ash: Bye.

Ash walks to Geography and takes his seat next to Serena. Calem was somewhere else today so that was a relief. Probably crying over his loss from yesterday.

Professor Juniper: Alright, now that everyone is settled down, please start making a plan of your presentation and assign roles.

Serena: Ash, what role do you want to take?

Ash: I'll write about when Kalos technology started exceeding that of other regions and about how it benefitted Kalos.

Serena: Okay, so then I'll do the timeline and about who started the Kalos industrial revolutioni.

Ash: Alright then it's settled.

Serena: Don't forgot to be at my dorm at 4 today. 

Ash: Sure...

Serena: Good. The faster we get this done, the faster we don't have to see each other.

Ash: ...

Serena seemed somewhat angry. Perhaps from last nights events? Either way, she looked like she did not want to see Ash. Ash thought back to what had happened last night. He then remembered what Shauna told him and smiled.

Serena: What are you so happy about?

Ash: Nah, it's nothing.

Soon enough the bell went off, and Ash packed his stuff up and headed for his dorm.

???: Hey!

Ash: Who is it now..?

Ash turned around and saw Miette at the other end of the hall staring at him.

Ash: What do you want Miette?

Miette: I need to know. Do you still like Serena?

Ash tried ignoring this question and walked off, but Miette followed him.

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