Pokemon School #24 ~ Return! The Sycamore High Tournament!

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A/N: HAHAHAHAHA IM FINALLY BACK. oh mannn it feels so good to be back on here. btw forged in fire releasing later on in the day, i'm prioritizing pokemon school rn.

annnnnd i finally got a girlfriend! about time too....she's this girl i knew since i was little and yeah!

anyways, enough about me, enjoy this chapter!

[Announcement]: I've changed the content of chapters, 19, 20 and 23. I'd suggest reading them again to avoid any confusion.

A plane rapidly approached the airport of Kalos, 'Alola Airways'  branded into the side. The plane touches down on the runway and comes to a stop. The plane docks in a terminal and the door opens. Passengers flow out of the plane and merge with airport crowds. 

However, one Kalosian couple stay behind. With a Pikachu perched on his shoulder and a red cap on his head, a raven haired boy steps out of the plane, followed by a honey-blonde haired girl.



In Sycamore High

Drew: Oh shoot!

Goh: What's up?

Drew: Ash and Serena are coming back today!

They all facepalm. They were supposed to meet them at the airport, but they had totally forgot. Gary checked his watch.

Gary: D'you think we can still make it if we rush?

Katsu: Worth a shot

May: Definitely!

Gary hops off from the couch and runs to the door.


Everyone else turns and sees Gary lying on the ground and Ash standing over him holding the door open.

Ash: Well hello Gary.

Gary: Where'd you come from?

Ash: Ermmm...the airport?

Serena: Oh Gary...Are you alright?

Gary: Yeah...I guess.

They all laughed and let Ash and Serena put their belongings back.

Serena: Well guys? How do you like my Alola outfit?

Serena gave a twirl to display her outfit.

Dawn: That looks so cute Serena!

Miette: She's totally right, it looks amazing!

May: You're rocking that outfit!

Serena: Eheh...thanks guys!

Ash: We gotta be in the hall in around 10 minutes for the selections.

Serena: Alright then, I'll get ready.

Serena heads off to her room to get ready. Ash turns to Gary.

Ash: Anything new they're doing with the tournament this year?

Gary: Dunno, we'll have to wait and see. Drew, you competing?

Drew: No way man! I'm a coordinator, not a battler.

Gary: Oh really? You know you can just tell us if you're scared.

Drew: Gary do you have a death wish?

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