Pokemon School#21 ~ An Alolan Vacation! Birth Of A New Rivalry

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A/N: i added an authors note at the beginning of the story just cause i wanted to. also please make sure to vote and consider  following me. 

im not holding you at gunpoint, it's just asking you to consider, not "follow me or i'll push you down a flight of stairs eughajhdsafaa" 

just consider it, thanks. youre all amazing

 anyways, enjoy this chapter!


It's an early morning in Sycamore High as we join Ash and Serena at the airport, ready to depart to Alola for the weekend.

Delia: Have you got all your bags?

Ash: Yeah.

Grace: Have you got your money?

Serena: Yes...

Delia: Have you got your underwear?

Ash: Ah! Mom!

Delia: I'm only joking. I'm gonna miss you.

Grace: Yeah, me too.

Serena: It's alright mom, it's only for the weekend. We'll be back on Monday!

Ash: That's right!

Delia: Well, you two have fun! 

Grace: But not too much fun.

Pikachu: Pika...

Serena: Mom!

Grace: Relax. 

Suddenly, a voice buzzed on the intercom.

"Last call for Flight 106 to Alola"

Ash: Alright then, bye mom!

Serena: Bye mom!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Ash and Serena walk to the airport terminal together and board their plane. They make their way to the seats. The seat next to them isn't taken so they had that part to themselves.

Serena: I can't wait to see Alola! 

Ash: Yeah, I'll be able to see everyone again! And we'll be able to see everything there!

Serena: I can't wait!

Ash: Well you might as well get some rest now, it says we're arriving at Alola at around 6:00pm.

Serena: Alright then. I don't think I can rest though, it's a whole new region we're going to! I know we went to Hoenn but this is completely different!

Ash: Then just try to rest, before you get us kicked off...

Serena: What did you just say?!

Ash: N-nothing...

Serena edged towards him with an evil look on her face as he shrank in his jacket. She started tickling him. Pikachu was forced off of Ash's shoulder and he stood on the arm rest to look out the window.

Ash: Okay-Oka-HAHA! Okay Serena, stop!

Serena: Not until you say you're sorry Ash Ketchum!

Ash: Okay, okay! I'm sorry.

Serena: Good.

She stopped tickling him, and he gave a sigh of relief. The intercom on the plane turns on.

"Welcome to Flight 106, heading to Alola. Flight time is 19 hours and 39 minutes. Please get comfortable and enjoy your flight"

The captain then started speaking about safety measures before the plane starts moving to the runway. The plane acquires great speed and zips off the runway and into the sky. Ash watches out the window as he sees Lumiose City and even a bit of Sycamore High. 

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