Pokemon School#5 ~ Ash's Grand Trial!

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A/N: This is my first time writing battle scenes so that's why it sucks 😐

We are in Alola with Ash as he is up and ready to go, training on the beach with his Pokemon Litten, Rowlet, Rockruff and Pikachu for his grand trial against Olivia.

Ash: Alright! Pikachu, Electroball and Rockruff, Rock throw!

Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu!

Rockruff: Ruff Ruff!

The two attacks collided and sand was sent everywhere. Ash couldn't see because of the smoke but he saw a glimpse of an electroball heading Rockruffs way.

Ash: Rockruff, dodge!

Rockruff couldn't dodge in time and the electroball hit him.

Ash: Rockruff, you okay?!

As the smoke cleared Ash went and checked on Rockruff. The attack did some damage to Rockruff.

Ash: Let's get you healed up.

But when Ash tried picking Rockruff up, it suddenly acted extremely aggressive and bit Ash.

Ash: Yikes, what's wrong Rockruff?

Rockruff: Rrrr, Ruff! Ruff!

Ash: It's probably the damage. I'll take you to Nurse Joy, come on!

Rockruff: Ruff!

Rockruff refused to go. Ash was confused and resorted to returning him to his Pokeball, which shook violently. Pikachu hopped on Ash's shoulder and they headed to the Pokemon Center.

Nurse Joy: Welcome to the Pokemon Center!

Ash: Hi Nurse Joy, can you heal my Rockruff and Pikachu?

Nurse Joy: Of course, take a seat in the waiting room.

Ash: Thank you.

Ash took a seat in the waiting room where he noticed someone sitting there.

Ash: Professor Kukui!

Kukui: Hm? Oh hi Ash! Perfect timing, your Rotom Dex is complete and ready.

Ash: About time, you guys were working on it for so long.

Kukui: Great technology takes time to make, remember that.

Kukui hands Ash his Rotom Dex, Ash presses the button to active it.


Ash: Is it supposed to make that sound?

Kukui: Just wait..

Rotom Dex: Hello! I am your Rotom Dex, User Ash!

Ash: Just call me Ash..

Rotom Dex: Alright then Ash, you have 5 Pokemon in possesion currently! Pikachu, Electric type. Rockruff, Rock and Normal type. Rowlet, Grass and Flying type. Litten, Fire type.

Ash: How'd it even know that? Pikachu and Rockruff are being healed right now..

Rotom Dex: I know everything about your team!

Ash: Wow, that's useful.

Kukui: Well, I'll be off, you have your trial today right? I'll be watching you!

Ash: Thanks Professor.

Nurse Joy: Ash Ketchum, your Pokemon are healed.

Ash: Come on Pikachu, we've got a grand trial to win!

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