Pokemon School#12 ~ Struggles and Scuffles

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It's a perfectly fine day and we join Ash, Goh, Gary and Katsu as they eat breakfast outside together, discussing the Sycamore High Tournament.

Gary: I've been training really hard for the tournament. I'm gonna take back my title.

Ash: I guess I've been practicing as well. I've got a new strategy so I don't lose in the first round.

Goh: I forgot about that. Hopefully it goes better this time. What about you Katsu? What have you been doing?

Katsu: Nothing.

Ash: Typical Katsu. Never doing anything, unless he needs to.

Katsu: Sounds about right. I don't really need to train.

Ash: Pretty sure I caught that when I first met you. How did you get so strong anyways?

Goh and Gary nodded in agreement. The three boys leaned in, in hope of hearing Katsu's tale.

Katsu: Well...

Others: Well?????

Katsu: ...Training.

They all sweatdropped at what he said and went back to eating.

Gary: But...you just said you don't need to train

Katsu: What an absurd accusation! I'm officially offended

Gary: But you did!

Katsu: Show me proof

Gary: Ugh

Ash: How long do we have left for break to finish?

Gary: You mean you want to get back already? What's wrong with you Ashy-Boy!

Ash: I didn't say I wanted to go back, idiot. How long we got left?

Goh: 3 weeks left.

Ash: Oh man...

Katsu: Ash don't you have a mission today? It's 11am.

Ash: Yeah, Sycamore had stuff to do so he pushed it to 3pm.

Goh: What's your mission about?

Ash: Retrieving stuff from Terminous Cave with Serena.

Katsu: Terminous Cave...I've been there before. It's full of Pokemon, so be careful.

Ash: Right! I'm always careful.

Gary: Yeah right, that's a big fat lie Ashton.

Goh: What kind of Pokemon are in Terminous Cave?

Katsu: Dangerous ones. Even though it's a decent place to train, it's way too dangerous to get any amount of training in without injuring yourself. It's way too dangerous for a trainer like Serena to go there by herself, which is probably why you're going with her.

Ash: That bad huh? I'll make sure to be careful then...

The Kantonian trainer finished up his breakfast along with the others and headed to the dorms to relax a bit before heading off to Terminous Cave.

While he was there he thought about him and Serena. Were they right for each other? He thought back to what his mother said to him.

"Listen to your heart and your brain. Choose what you think is right"

Ash closed his eyes and thought for a minute.

"What do I want?"

He pictured himself and Serena, together. But then a cloud of doubt comes and distorts everything. 

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