Pokemon School#34 ~ Unveiling the Quarter Finals!

65 7 6

Round 1 and Round 2: 2 Pokemon

Semi-Finals: 3 Pokemon

Finals: 6 Pokemon

A/N: Please make sure to vote and comment your thoughts!


As the group headed back towards the dorms, Ash stuck back and gestured for Goh to stick with him. Goh, raised an eyebrow in confusion and obliged.

Serena: Are you coming Ash?

Ash: Yeah go on ahead, Goh and I got something to talk about.

Serena: Oh, sure. Don't be too long!

Ash: I won't, don't worry. See ya!

Serena waved goodbye and walked outside of the Pokemon Centre along with everyone else. Goh turned to Ash.

Goh: What's up?

Ash: Now that Zeraora is found and the first round is out of the way, do you wanna investigate more into that Pokedex situation?

Goh: Yeah I do, I was gonna ask you about that actually. We did forget about your Rotom Pokedex.

Ash: Yeah, we can go check in the dorms once we go. If Rotom finds a lead we'll follow it.

Goh: Let's go then!

The two of them rejoined the group as they headed up to the dorm. Goh and Ash headed to the room as they opened the door, while Drew and Gary turned the TV on, Serena and Miette started cooking, May and Dawn were discussing contests and Katsu was showing Shauna videos of his expedition to Hoenn.

Ash and Goh closed the door and picked up Rotom Dex. Ash tapped it one or two times before it came to life.

Rotom: About time Ash!

Ash: My bad Rotom, it's been crazy recently.

Goh: Did you find anything?

Rotom: Nothing. I don't know if it's because you disconnected your Pokedex when you left but I couldn't find anything related to the log in data!

Goh: Guess that's that...

Rotom: Though I did find something interesting you might like to hear.

Ash: Which is?

Rotom: When I finished analyzing the data, I did notice a breach or two. I tracked this down to Calem's Pokedex address, which does confirm your suspicion that he is behind this.

Goh: Right, is that it?

Rotom: Just getting started! Besides Calem there was also one more breach from a completely different address. Unfortunately, they're smart enough to hide their identity so I was able to trace down their location only, which would be Shalour City.

Ash: Isn't Shalour city a good while away from here?

Goh: Yeah you're right. What's someone from Shalour City want with my data?

Rotom: But we're not done yet! Both breaches occurred within a few seconds of each other! If it isn't sheer coincidence, I'd say they're working together.

Ash: Who does Calem know in Shalour City?

Goh: No idea. At least we can confirm he is the one behind it.

Rotom: That is all I was able to find for you, so I can no longer provide any more technical assistance from here.

Goh: No worries, thanks a bunch Rotom!

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