Pokemon School#31 ~ Behind the scenes

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A/N: exactly 5 months to the day this book was last updated. here's to me being more active 🙏

another big thing!! 13K reads. huge accomplishment and extremely proud, though disappointed considering how long this story has been up.

either way, here's Chapter 31 for you all.


In the aftermath of the 3rd round of the Sycamore High tournament, we find Goh, Gary and Drew walking through the hallways in the direction of their dorm.

Drew: Wonder how the next battles gonna be like!

Gary: Yep! Can't wait for it!

Goh: They start in an hour don't they?

Gary: From what I remember, for the first batch they broke it into three segments. Three battles, then three battles, then the final two battles. 

Drew: Yup, an hour break in between. Sort of a cooldown if you know what I'm saying.

Goh: More time to strategize?

Gary: Guess so, but in the end it really does come down to you and your Pokemon's skill on the battlefield.

Drew: You could strategize all you want but if you don't have a solid team to back that, it's pretty much over for you.

Goh: How about the quarter finals?

Gary: Intervals of four, 2 matches by 2 matches. With a half hour break in between I think.

Drew: Sounds great, maybe you would get matched up with someone else from our group.

Gary: Well that sucks, I kinda wanna wait till the later matches to face someone.

Drew nodded in agreement. The three boys reached the dorm and headed inside. There was a small buzz of chatter going on inside. Drew and Gary threw themselves onto the couch while Goh searched for Ash. He finally spotted him and dragged him to a corner.

Ash: Woah! Oh, what's up Goh?

Goh: I think Calem is the one that tapped into my dex.

Goh held up his Pokedex as Ash raised his eyebrows at him.

Goh: That's what we were doing back there. I was running a test to see who had accessed my Pokedex recently.

Ash: And?

Goh: It sounds crazy but when I ran the test his trainer profile showed up for a second, then it just immediately shut off.

Ash: Doesn't sound that crazy if you ask me. Okay, so what are we going to do about it?

Goh: That's just the thing, he's already out of the tournament so I'm not sure what he needs the data on my Dex for.

Ash stood in thought for a second then his eyes lit up.

Ash: I've got it! Come with me!

He bolted to his room with Goh following him. As Goh entered the room, one of Ash's bags were open and things were being flung around the room. 

Goh: What are you looking for?

Ash: AH! Here it is!

As Goh dodged a Heavy Ball flying his way he looked at what Ash was holding. It was some strange red device, with limbs?

Ash pressed a button on it, and it suddenly flew out of his arms and hovered into the air


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