Pokemon School#17 ~ A Sinnoh Surprise!

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A/N: i have now decided to try and write more in a chapter so the chapters can stretch out, but not something too long. and im not gonna talk out of my ass to get word count, it's going to be actually within the story.

Also, what's your favourite Pokemon Anime? Mine's obviously XYZ, but I also like D&P.

ok i should shut up now, enjoy

A plane has landed in Lumiose Airport from the Sinnoh region, the passengers all spill out and merge within the large crowd of the airport. But one particular passenger stays back and looks out the windows of the airport.

???: So, this is Kalos huh? It's beautiful!

She steps out of the crowd and comes to a clearing. She's wearing pink knee-high boots, some pink shorts, a black sleeveless shirt and a white beanie. She has blue eyes and blue hair, held together by yellow clips.

???: First things first, I gotta find Sycamore High!


(At Sycamore High)

It is around 9am, and the group is all having breakfast together. Serena and Miette have made some French toast, pancakes and waffles for everyone.

Ash: What are you all doing today?

Katsu: Staying here.

Miette: Same.

Shauna: I'm gonna practice my routines later. Showcases are coming back.

Serena: Me too.

Gary: Ahhh Ashy-Boy, you know me. Just going to pull some ladi-

Goh: Oh be quiet. Your ego's height competes directly with Prism Tower!

Gary: Oy!

Drew: I don't really know. Maybe I'll go looking around town to get used to my surroundings.

May: I'll come with you!

Drew: S-sure!

Ash winked at Drew, which he responded with a glare.

Goh: I'll be training all day for the tournament.

Serena: What about you? What are you doing Ash?

Ash: I've got a battle with Shota after breakfast, then I'll probably do some training for the rest of the day. Gotta be prepared for the Sycamore High Tournament.

Ash finished his food and put his plate in the dishwasher, he bid goodbye to everyone, took Pikachu and headed to the battlefield to meet Shota for their battle.

When he arrived, he saw Shota looking over his notes, standing next to a Sceptile.

Ash: Shota!

Shota: Hm? Oh, hi Ash!

Ash: Powerful looking Sceptile you got! Can't wait to battle it.

Shota: Yeah, we're both excited for this.

Ash: Are you using mega evolution this battle?

Shota: We're giving it a try. We've been practicing loads! I'm just going to be using Sceptile today. And you? Using Ash-Greninja?

Ash: Yep. You ready?

Shota: Yeah, whenever you are!

The two of them went to the trainer's box on each side, Ash sent out Greninja while Sceptile got into a battle stance.

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