Pokemon School#22 ~ Bulk Up! Extreme Training!

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A/N: ik i havent updated in a while lmao, ive just been a lot more busy than usual

The bird Pokemon of Alola are heard chirping as another day arrives. Ash and Serena are sleeping in their hotel room as someone knocks on the door.

Pikachu: Pika?

Pikachu's ears perked up upon hearing the knock, he hops on the bed and starts pushing Ash to wake him up. Another knock can be heard. 

Pikachu: Pikaa...

Ash: Pikachu...stop.

Pikachu: Pika Pi!

Pikachu started slapping his trainer with his tail.

Ash: Alright alright! I'm up...don't wake up Serena.

Pikachu: Pika.

Pikachu points to the door as another knock is heard. Ash gets up and opens it to see Marko standing there.

Marko: Took you long enough!

Ash: Marko? What are you doing here? And how did you know I was here?

Upon hearing Marko's name, Greninja's Pokeball began to violently shake as he tried getting out. Ash only barely managed to contain Greninja inside.

Marko: Anyways...I heard you have your school tournament coming up soon. 

Ash: Yeah! It's-Greninja stop! It's on Monday!

Marko: Alright then, how about we do some training later today?

Ash: Sure! I can't wait!

Marko: Come to Kukui's in the afternoon. We'll train for a few hours then you can go somewhere with Serena.

Ash: Yeah, sure thing. 

Marko: Alright, see you then!

With that, Marko waved and heads off. Ash closes the door and takes a shower, he brushes his teeth and comes out with a towel wrapped around him. He opens the door to Serena waking up.

Ash: Morning.

Serena: Eh? Morning..

Ash: Sleep well?

Serena: With you by my side, I always will.

Ash smiles to himself and gets his clothes from the wardrobe and puts them on. Serena finally gets up and stretches.

Serena: So...what's the plan today?

Ash: Well, before you woke up Marko invited me for training in the afternoon.

Serena: Oh...

Ash: But don't worry. It's only for a bit. Then we can go do something together!

Serena: Really?

Ash: Yup!

Serena: Alright then Ash. But what do we do until the afternoon?

Ash: That's up to you!

Serena: Hmm...well since we're in Melemele island, why not check out Hau'Oli city? I wanna see the shopping district! We can also have breakfast there too!

Ash: Sure! Now I'm really excited!

Serena: Heh, I'll go get ready!

Serena gets up from the bed and heads into the shower. A couple minutes later, she comes out in a completely different attire. She's wearing a straw hat with a flower on it, an orange tank top, a yellow skirt that goes to her knees and some white trainers. And of course, the has the ribbon, which was around her hat.

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